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翻译 - THE EXAMINATION OF.... (英语)

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2007年 十月 20日 00:13  

文章总计: 1671
What does
the level of sense

2007年 十月 20日 00:17  

文章总计: 1263
maybe it is awareness, or understanding

2007年 十月 20日 04:35  

文章总计: 7963
I think it's "feeling", but I liked "sense" as a translation here.

2007年 十月 20日 06:00  

文章总计: 2481
duyu = sense (connected to our five senses), so "level of sense" is about the level these senses work correctly, I assume

2007年 十月 20日 11:29  

文章总计: 3
efficiency olacak; independence level olacak

2007年 十月 20日 12:25  

文章总计: 2481
"efficiency" daha çok "verimlilik"le ilgili olduğu için burada "yararlılık" da anlamına gelen "efficacy" daha uygun oluyor gökberk, aslında en başta ben de "efficiency" kullanmıştım ama sonra değiştirdim. Teşekkürler!

2007年 十月 20日 14:27  

文章总计: 7963
"efficacy" is good. Maybe instead of "life quality", "quality of life".

2007年 十月 20日 15:48  

文章总计: 2481
ok, I'll change it that way.

2007年 十月 20日 22:15  

文章总计: 7963
How about, instead of "the level of sense, perception", "the level of sensory perception"?

2007年 十月 21日 07:30  

文章总计: 2481
No, definitely sensory perception wouldn't be ok because it's not that way in the source text and secondly they convey different meanings in the source text: "duyu (sense)" is about the five senses and "algı (perception)" is about the power of understanding (regarding these kids)

and in fact I want to be sure whether my translation conveys the meaning of the source because this part (duyu,algı, motor beceriler, yaşam kalitesi ve bağımsızlık düzeyi) actually means (duyu düzeyi, algı düzeyi, motor beceriler düzeyi, yaşam kalitesi düzeyi ve bağımsızlık düzeyi -level of sense, level of perception, level of motor skills, level of quality of life, level of independence) so maybe I should have said "levels of...."
what do you think Kafetzou and IanMegill?

2007年 十月 21日 09:20  

文章总计: 6
ilginiz için teşekkür ederim buradaki duyu seviyesi değil çocuğun duyu algı motor integrasyonu ile ilgili olduğu için ben level of sense kullanmadım bu benim tez önerim olduğu için bir de buradaki uzmanlar çevirsin istedim.

2007年 十月 21日 10:30  

文章总计: 1671
Would this be okay?
levels of sensing, perceiving and motor skills, quality of life and...
I just want to make it clear that it's about sensation, and not the "sense" that means "reason" or "good sense"...
Finally, does the "level" refer to only the sensing, or also to the perceiving and motor skills and quality of life, etc.?

2007年 十月 21日 14:33  

文章总计: 2481
selam hatice06 and hello Ian Megill,

hatice06, buradaki "düzey" hem "bağımsızlık düzeyi"nden hem de "duyu, algı... düzeylerinden" bahsediyor değil mi? yoksa yazdığınız gibi (duyu algı motor integrasyonu ) birleşik mi olacak?(uzmanların çevirmesini istiyorsanız yüksek kalite işareti koymanız gerekirdi).

IanMegill, I think "level" here refers to all of them but I just asked hatice06 to make sure. I'll wait her explanation then I can change it the way you suggest (levels of sensing, perceiving and motor skills, quality of life and...). I'm right about sense being connected with five senses and perception being the power of understanding/recognizing things using sense (it is not about "insight", isn't it?

2007年 十月 21日 11:22  

文章总计: 1671
Selam smy!

Great! I guess we'll wait for hatice06's answer and then I guess we can fix it and validate it!

I think I understand what you mean about sensation, i.e. the five senses: that's why I wanted to change it to "sensing"!

2007年 十月 21日 11:29  

文章总计: 2481
hope she comes back and explains, thank you very much!

2007年 十月 21日 16:20  

文章总计: 7963
Ian, what you missed in this discussion is that hatice06 wrote that she did not mean level of sensing (duyu seviyesi), although that was a good suggestion on your part, I think, what she meant was the child's sensory-perception-motor integration (duyu algı motor integrasyonu). I'm just wondering why she didn't write that if that was what she meant ...

Anyway, here is my current suggestion, based on what hatice06 wrote above:

çocukların duyu,algı, motor beceriler, yaşam kalitesi ve bağımsızlık düzeyi

"the children's sensory, perception, and motor skills, as well as their quality of life and level of independence"

I think we can wait a couple of days for hatice06 to get back to us, but if she doesn't we should go ahead and use this.

2007年 十月 21日 16:22  

文章总计: 7963
P.S. I think it's "cerebral palsy" in English.

2007年 十月 21日 16:29  

文章总计: 7963
Here is my suggestion for the whole thing:


The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a traditional home program and an activity-based home program on the sensory, perception, and motor skills, as well as the quality of life and level of independence of children with spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy.

2007年 十月 21日 16:34  

文章总计: 6
Hayır yaşam kalitesi ve bağımsızlık düzeyi ayrı. Şimdi şöyle ifade edeyim ben burda duyu bütünlüğü testleri ile duyu-algı becerilerini,motor yetenekleri ayrı,yaşam kalitesini ve bağımsızlık düzeyini ayrı değerlendireceğim.

2007年 十月 21日 16:43  

文章总计: 6
The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of two different home therapy program on sensation,perception,motor abilities,quality of life and level of independence in children with spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy
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