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Tłumaczenie - He's gone, the moment when he left is gone, I didn't lose him, he lost me. (Angielski)

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22 Luty 2008 06:37  

Liczba postów: 76
the instant he left is over

23 Luty 2008 00:36  

Liczba postów: 6
io utilizzerei il past simple anche per la prima parte della traduzione. In italiano si e' costretti ad utilizzare un verbo ausiliare quando si tratta di verbi intransitivi al passato prossimo. In inglese cio' non e' necessario, perche'si usa il past simple quando l' azione si e' conclusa nel tempo in modo definitivo.
La traduzione piu' opportuna sarebbe:
He/she/It left ,(...)
Per il resto ritengo che la traduzione vada bene, considerato che non se ne conosce il contesto delle frasi in lingua originale.

23 Luty 2008 00:51  

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi All

I have edited in trying to incorporate most people's suggestions.

I have put an alternative in the comments box.

I have reset a poll.

Since this is a "meaning only" request, I think we are floccinaucinihilifipilicating her so, unless someone comes up with something more accurate but understandable in English, I will validate the current version.

23 Luty 2008 04:32  

Liczba postów: 7963
Sorry, Tantine; it's now wrong. GİTTİĞİ SANİYE BİTMİŞTİR means "The moment (when) s/he left is gone", not "the second has ended, it's gone".

23 Luty 2008 21:08  

Liczba postów: 1
Bu cümle için anlamı daha iyi veren bir çeviri yapılabilir

23 Luty 2008 22:27  

Liczba postów: 67
Je penche pour la version alternative qui est beaucoup plus claire en anglais. On utilise plus facilement "moment" en anglais que "second" même si c'est le sens du mot "saniye" en turc

23 Luty 2008 23:21  

Liczba postów: 7963
The problem is not the difference between "second" and "moment" - that's not important. The problem is the connection between what is "gone" and what has "ended" - it is the second/moment when s/he left that is gone.

23 Luty 2008 23:25  

Liczba postów: 7963
I've edited the text and validated the translation. Tantine, I hope you don't mind - you sounded like you were kind of tired of it anyhow.

24 Luty 2008 16:19  

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Kafetzou

Not at all

Thanks so much

I could no longer see head nor tail of this one.

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