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Skrzynka odbiorcza - Maski

Wyniki 1 - 20 spośród około 21
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10 Marzec 2007 19:00  

Liczba postów: 972
Hi, maski.
Since you are Croatian, I will profite of you at once. Can you please say if this text
is Croatian?
Thank you very much and welcome on board!

18 Marzec 2007 16:03  

Una Smith
Liczba postów: 429
Thank you for the 1000 points!

17 Kwiecień 2007 09:41  

Liczba postów: 773
Vidim da si i ti dobila izjavu ljubavi od Draken. Nisam znala šta hoće od mene, jer je bilo je bez ikakvog uvoda.

17 Kwiecień 2007 09:47  

Liczba postów: 773
Nemamo smajlića koji se valja od smeha, pa ti zamisli da sam ti ga poslala.

8 Maj 2007 14:44  

Liczba postów: 972
Thanks, Maski.

22 Maj 2007 12:47  

Liczba postów: 9
Hi, Maski.
I'm from Brazil and I'd like to meet people from far away from my hometown and exchange knowledge and experiences.
Would you add me as your friend at Skype or MSN Messenger??

Bye and hope you contact me as soon as possible.

6 Lipiec 2007 11:42  

Liczba postów: 2247
Hi Maski!
Sorry I wasn't here to translate, I have a little NET problem now... Thanks to Casper you could have your translations... Hugs...
(Sometimes I go search old translations too... I keep imagining the users who asked them...)

6 Lipiec 2007 11:57  

Liczba postów: 2247
Thanks Maski, see you guys very soon...

17 Lipiec 2007 19:02  

Liczba postów: 545
Very interesting your Avatar!

20 Lipiec 2007 13:09  

Liczba postów: 1014
Hi !
I see you are an expert in croatian!
there are around 3 texts in croatian that have to be translated into dutch!
I can't speak croatian, just a few words ^^
could you might translate them into english, so I can translate them into dutch?

afterwards we split the points? 50/50?
what do you think about this?

this are the links if you would be interessted:
(don't know if this is croatian)

thanks alot,

20 Lipiec 2007 14:24  

Liczba postów: 1014
oh oki
thanks alot then!
1 of those 3 croation texts is very very difficult, gonna take a while before I've translated that

Thanks again!!

30 Lipiec 2007 18:25  

Liczba postów: 1
Ok, nemaš frke, ugodan odmor...

22 Sierpień 2007 13:02  

Liczba postów: 773
Hvala ti, mada je meni delovalo da se radi o nekom rezervnom delu. Recimo da treba zameniti menjac ili tocak. Odbila sam onaj prevod, tako da cu malo da sacekam ukoliko se pojavi neko drugi ko ce prevesti, a ako ne trazicu dodatno objasnjenje pa cu ga ja prevesti.

3 Wrzesień 2007 15:52  

Liczba postów: 40
U pravu si, i nije baš najsrećnije rešenje. Nekako mi "emancipuje" deluje rogobatno, ali inace značenje glagola "to emacipate" je osloboditi se stega, okova, ili osamostaliti se..
A i nekako me podseća na onu marksističku maksimu: rad oslobađa čoveka, možda me je to malo zanelo
Mislis da menjam u "emacipuje"?

12 Październik 2007 16:59  

Liczba postów: 1263
I think it is more than unreasonable to close wiki to Chinese.

The ones who read wiki and edit it is only a very small number of intellectuals, some of them are not serious about the truth. And among them, many cultural spies try their best to weave false facts and stories, theories to justify themselves.

Yes, it is a useful too for a common sense, but not a serious materials if you really want to research and make youself clear.

The wikipaedia is an electronic paedia, and free, I think the idea is great. And this technique is spread in China, but we just block wiki, because of its management system that you cannot guarantee who is manipulating behind the interface.

On the other hand, I dislike this treatment of government that does not notify you before closing something that you find helpful.

13 Listopad 2007 05:56  

Liczba postów: 2132
Hi Maski,
I gave you 175 pts for the bridge here, thank you very much.

2 Luty 2008 23:03  

Liczba postów: 878

I just got back from my holiday so I'll bridge the translation you asked for tomorrow or monday


14 Kwiecień 2008 10:58  

Liczba postów: 15
Hvala! Lijep pozdrav.. :-)

25 Czerwiec 2008 04:09  

Liczba postów: 1263
You haven't been here for a long time.
How are you?

22 Lipiec 2008 13:54  

Liczba postów: 8114
Hi Maski
I see that you are online again!! Welcome back ..I think that we have missed you!
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