Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Fordítás - Don't escape (Angol)

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3 Október 2009 21:04  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
Thank you Ania! Super translation!
What concerns the word "nieładnie" which isn't translatable directly into English, I would use here: "Bad girl!" (I'm not joking)

"here" in brackets is a good option I think.

3 Október 2009 21:22  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
ok, 'bad girl' sounds perfect
You can also use "run away" and "go away" instead of escape and leave but i thought they'd be more appropriate as that's poetry, not everyday language.

3 Október 2009 21:26  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
You're absolutely right, my dear translator!

p.s. Moreover, that "bad girl" will show us the sex of the Friend...

3 Október 2009 21:55  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
yea, that's right as in english you dont have different forms for a friend female or male, there's just one word describing them regardless their sex

3 Október 2009 21:58  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
and don't worry about the rest, my dear. I believe Laura and Lilly take care of it...

4 Október 2009 03:21  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
This is a super translation. How about "unfortunately" for the word with the *? Unfairly is OK in English, but Ania is right that it doesn't sound right in this context. "Bad girl" sounds fine, if you want to use that instead.

Why is "friend" capitalized?

A couple more suggestions:

I am (here) --> I am here (I think that's what you wanted to do - it sounds perfect.)
You are closing yourself --> ... off
shall --> should
Tell --> Tell me
I see
You closing yourself off -->
I see you
Closing yourself off

Note: I love the last two lines!

4 Október 2009 14:39  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
i used "shall' as it is very British

4 Október 2009 18:24  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
But it has a different meaning - it's more like an offer than a request for advice, as in "Shall I open that for you?"

4 Október 2009 18:48  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
ok, fair enough

4 Október 2009 21:43  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
"friend" is capitalized, because we use capital letters when we want to emphasise the importance of sth/sb in Polish language... But, in English it may not work like this, I know

5 Október 2009 06:22  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
Well, in English it might be taken to refer to God.

12 Október 2009 17:48  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
Aneta and Ania, what's happening with this one?

13 Október 2009 11:02  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
I don't know. Apparently, it's up to you

14 Október 2009 03:13  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
Aren't you supposed to make the changes I proposed? Or does the expert do that nowadays?

14 Október 2009 13:03  

Hozzászólások száma: 77
If you want me to make any changes Aneta must agree with them first because as i said, in my opinion shall sounds more British, and at the end of the day that's what Aneta wanted. You are an expert so you either accept or reject my translation but i am not going to change it as it is my translation and i don;t agre with you.

14 Október 2009 19:10  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
Which suggestions of Laura don't you agree, Ania?
I wanted only to be changed "Unluckily" into "Bad girl"...

15 Október 2009 00:59  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
Well, I suggest these changes:

Tell me, Friend
Where am I to look for you
Tell me
How to call you
To shout down
What is shouting in you

Would be this acceptable?

15 Október 2009 07:49  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
I think your suggestion is OK, Aneta. I don't know why iluvmilka doesn't want to participate anymore in this. I can't read Polish, so I really can't be sure about my corrections - I only know what would be understood and sounds correct in English.

15 Október 2009 07:53  

Hozzászólások száma: 7963
Anyway, I have made a few edits and I will accept it if you are happy with it, Aneta. Please let me know (by responding to this message).

15 Október 2009 10:13  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
For me, perfect! Thank you, Laura!
Of course, if you claim that we shouldn't use capital letter in English in a word "Friend", you can also change it.

Anyway, I'd like Ania also to accept it before evaluating...
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