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Gauti laiškai - iamfromaustria

Rezultatai 21 - 40 iš apie 90
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5 lapkritis 2007 19:02  

Žinučių kiekis: 1014
well, we always get money!
Hmm, I've celebrated every day during the holidays!
for my birthday,, hmm I've got over € 350

(we don't get presents!)

How was your day?


17 lapkritis 2007 16:42  

Žinučių kiekis: 1621

diese Ãœbersetzung musst du machen, da du Expertin bist ;-)

Habe um dir zu helfen, einen Vorschlag daruntergeschrieben...

viele Grüße aus R,

20 lapkritis 2007 08:30  

Žinučių kiekis: 1655
cominicarmelo -> comUnicarmelo from comunicare

20 lapkritis 2007 08:31  

Žinučių kiekis: 1655
La misura e una L anche se la consiglio a una xl in quanto la camicia e molto ampia


La misura è una L anche se le consiglio una XL in quanto la camicia è molto ampia

L and XL are dress sizes (large/extralarge)

Yes I'm busy with work mostly

26 lapkritis 2007 16:06  

Žinučių kiekis: 2132
Hi Iamfromaustria,
Ther's something for you here, hope this help you.
I think the german translation is ok, but I'm not sure about my german language.

10 gruodis 2007 19:47  

Žinučių kiekis: 972
Sorry, we are not a dictionary. We do not translate single words.

13 gruodis 2007 19:35  

Žinučių kiekis: 1014
I want to tell you 1 thing,
Sorry to say that, but tomorrow I've got my German exam, and really, I hate it!
It is so boring, it is impossible to talk fluently, without making any faults against the DATIV - NOMINATIV - GENITIV - AKKUSATIV, and my teacher said this: "You need to talk fluently, because when you are too slow, you don't get any points. If you speak fluently, but you make faults, you don't get any points either.. How stupid is that! We need to study the history after World War II, and about famous "Mauern" in the world, how the fuck can I say something like that without making any faults?

And yeah, the new vocabulary we've had to learn, about 20 pages of verbs & nouns,


.x Nathan

14 gruodis 2007 20:22  

Žinučių kiekis: 1014

SCHMUTZIG is a funny word, though

15 gruodis 2007 18:37  

Sweet Dreams
Žinučių kiekis: 2202
Sorry imfromaustria, but my english it's not that good. I hope you understand.


15 gruodis 2007 18:45  

Sweet Dreams
Žinučių kiekis: 2202
Okay then

21 gruodis 2007 15:03  

Žinučių kiekis: 8114
Yes...from 4 to about noon At least theese days, just before Christmas and in the Summer to.
Other periods are more slow, I don't have to wake up that early.
Hm, Sachertorte... yes actually I do, but the reciepe is in Swedish..
No...I don't bake "knäckebröd", but that is for sure a swedish "thing".
You know what...I'm just the same as you, I hate to take "pain-killers" and stuff, It feels better to "kill the flue" or what ever it is with other methods.. anyway, sometimes there is no choice, and it's good to have them.

See you!

22 gruodis 2007 13:28  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
Hej ImfromAustria!

22 gruodis 2007 17:56  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
Ciao, I'm good thank you,and yourself? and it was very good swedish!The only letter that is wrong is "a" in "mår", it will be "å". But I think that you don't have "å" on your keyboard.

22 gruodis 2007 22:11  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
Okey, yes I will going skiing on Thursday, in Särna, that is going to be very funny, do you skiing in Kitzbühel? Good Night kisses and hugs///Wille

23 gruodis 2007 16:35  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
Oooh, okey, mum and dad have been to Kitzbühel one time and that was in 1986. But good for you that it was sun and a nice day there you were going skiing,in Salbaach-Interglemm. We watched the weather for a few minutes ago and it was only the north part of Sweden that should have snow for Chrismas :/...and in south it was no snow:/, I don't like snow very much but it's fun to have on Christmas but...///Wille

25 gruodis 2007 08:04  

casper tavernello
Žinučių kiekis: 5057
Hej igen.
You just have to hold the alt button and type those.

25 gruodis 2007 11:24  

Žinučių kiekis: 8114
that was write the greeting in Swedish I tried to learn german several years ago, but my knowledge is pretty bad. Only a couple of phrases remains...
O yes...I heared that too, that our countries is similar in many ways...and yes we are in Sweden "so to call" a neutral country...but that is not the truth, I think that we export weapons and "things" (bad stuff) to many countries around the globe, what a double standards of morality!!!I really don't like it. (grrr..)



26 gruodis 2007 19:23  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
Hello!!;D How are you then?

26 gruodis 2007 19:32  

Žinučių kiekis: 159
*Tschüss XD

27 gruodis 2007 21:17  

Žinučių kiekis: 2747
Hi Heidrun

Sorry, you came on the chat and I was in the kitchen saying goodnight to Flavia.

I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you or something.

I'm still around if ou want to chat.

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