Cieľový jazyk: Anglicky
Group C1
1-Is very similar to Group B. More than half is a family of 3-4 people.
2-In this group, university education is no longer the case for the parents.
3-Two thirds of this group has 1-2 children, with the rest having a higher number.
4-Amount of ownership of residence is continuing to increase.
5-There is less parquet flooring, there is even some cement flooring. One third use a decorative light fixture; the rest use bare light bulbs.
6-Doesn't show a lot of difference in the usage of durable goods from the upper two groups(A and B)
7-Almost half owns a car. A considerable amount buys them second hand.
8-The responsibility for purchases rests more with the father, resembling that of the mother in A and B.
9-50% buys bulk food items. With cleaning products this number decreases to two-thirds.
10-A high number(89%) uses cell-phones, amount of land lines is high(82%)
11-One in five homes has a personal computer.
12-They are cautious in the use of bank credit.
13-In two-thirds of the homes, shoes are taken off at the door.
14-Three quarters reads newspapers.
Group C2
1-Four or more people dwell in the same residence.
2-Education level of head of household and spouse does not exceed primary school.
3-The number of children resembles that of group C1, only with a higher amount of homes with 3-4 children.
4-Amount of ownership of residence is the same as Groups C2, D and E: 65%.
5-The livingroom is mostly floored with cement and curtains to create spaces are used. Use of lusters is below one in five.
6-Half use a refrigerator with a single door. A dishwasher is only present in a few homes.
7-One in three has a vehicle, most of them second hand.
8-Mom and dad share the responsibility for purchases equally.
9-When it comes to foods, bulk is more often used. There is a noticeable increase in the consumption of bulk cleaning products.
10-Ownership of cell-phone is high. Of land lines slightly higher(82%) though.
11-One in ten homes has a personal computer. Almost all use use a roof-antenna.
12-A small number has a savings account, one in four uses credit.
13-Shoes are taken off at the door.
14-More than half reads newspapers.