Cieľový jazyk: Anglicky
I want to find a job where I can really put all the things I've learned to good use.
The Buddha's footprints in stone at Kiyomizu Temple...By praying to these huge footprints, it is said that one can cure physical ailments afflicting any part of the body from the waist up, and that the afflicted area will afterwards be even healthier than before.
The Zuiku Hall within the Kiyomizu Temple precincts...People come here to experience the total darkness of its underground passageway. It only costs 100 yen to enter, and once you are inside, it's pitch black! This is because it's designed to make us remember what it felt like to be in our mother's womb.
Thank you for kindly taking the time to be here today.
No, no: I'm the one who brought it up, so please forget about it.
Hey, space cadet! Snap to it! I told you: we've got customers!
That was really stupid; crossing that boulevard on a red light!
You could have gotten killed, you know, if you hadn't been so lucky!
Actually, I guess I should rather say you were a hair's breadth from getting run over!
This? If you want it that much, just go ahead and take it!
Recently, business isn't going so well...
Hello everyone, my name is OO: I come from Japan and I'm now a student here. Before coming here, I was studying Brazilian Portuguese in university, so from your viewpoint as people from Portugal, you may find I have a strange accent, or there may perhaps be some other influence on my Portuguese from the Brazilian dialect I have been studying. I hear there's a proverb that says "When in Rome, do as the Romans do," so similarly, while I am here in Portugal, I want to learn the way Portuguese is spoken here, and speak that way myself. If you therefore notice me saying anything in a way different from the way you would here, please feel free to let me know right away.