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Sentence Lists for Language Learning - Ebraicã

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Anterioară1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ••Următoare
100 Text: She never sleeps in her bed. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

101 Text: She always sleeps in the bathroom. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

102 Text: They often go shopping. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

103 Text: When do they go shopping? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

104 Text: You are a sailor. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

105 Text: They are good carpenters. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

106 Text: Marek's wife is a hairdresser. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

107 Text: Her husband's name is Joseph. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

108 Text: Her daughter is a student. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

109 Text: Our dog is beautiful. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

110 Text: Our cats like jumping. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

111 Text: Do our cats like jumping? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

112 Text: Marek gets up at seven o'clock in the morning and has breakfast at quarter past seven. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

113 Text: When does he go to work? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

114 Text: Do you often go to the cinema? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

115 Text: I never watch television. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

116 Text: My wife likes cooking very much. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

117 Text: My husband has a lot of money. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

118 Text: You are an important person. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

119 Text: He is not a policeman. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

120 Text: Is he married? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

121 Text: Is she married? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

122 Text: Do Tomek and Kasia have a lot of children? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

123 Text: Where do you usually sleep? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

124 Text: Where do they often go together? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

125 Text: I like learning new words. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

126 Text: Mr Gniotek doesn't like reading books. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

127 Text: They don't like talking. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

128 Text: Their children are very clever. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

129 Text: They have very clever children. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

130 Text: Your brother usually learns English on Monday evenings and Wednesday mornings. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: "English" should be changed to the language of translation.

Tradus de Shahar368

131 Text: Our friend sometimes goes to church on Thursday afternoons. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

132 Text: They never go by train. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

133 Text: This sailor always reads difficult books on Saturday evenings. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

134 Text: Carpenters like working on Sunday mornings. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

135 Text: My cat is from Germany. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

136 Text: Our teacher likes teaching English very much. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: "English" should be changed to the language of translation.

Tradus de Shahar368

137 Text: We work on Sundays because we like working. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

138 Text: He goes to school because he likes learning. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

139 Text: She goes to work because she likes working. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

140 Text: My cars are big, red and expensive. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

141 Text: Marek has four big red cars. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

142 Text: On the table there are yellow flowers. [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

143 Text: How old are you? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

144 Text: How old is he? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

145 Text: How old is she? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

146 Text: How old are they? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

147 Text: How old is Jan? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]

Comentarii: Names can be changed.

Tradus de Shahar368

148 Text: How old is your husband? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

149 Text: How old is your cat? [Toate limbile - Fereastră nouă]


Tradus de Shahar368

Anterioară1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ••Următoare