Is his beautiful wife his good friend's secretary? - All languages
Est-ce que la secrétaire de son ami est une bonne épouse ? Go to page
Is his beautiful wife his good friend's secretary? Go to page
Его краÑÐ¸Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð° - Ñекретарь его хорошего друга? Go to page
Ist seine schöne Ehefrau die Sekretärin seines guten Freundes? Go to page
Czy jego piękna żona jest sekretarką jego dobrego przyjaciela? Go to page
Frumoasa lui soţie este secretara bunului său prieten? Go to page
La sua bella moglie è la segretaria del suo buon amico? Go to page
×”×× ×שתו היפה ×”×™× ×”×ž×–×›×™×¨×” של חברו הטוב? Go to page
Er hans smukke kone hans gode vens sekretær? Go to page
Project - Sentence Lists for Language Learning