He goes to the cinema with her every Saturday. - All languages
Il va au cinéma avec elle tous les Samedis. Go to page
He goes to the cinema with her every Saturday. Go to page
Он ходит Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ¹ в кино каждое ВоÑкреÑенье. Go to page
Er geht mit ihr jeden Samstag ins Kino. Go to page
On chodzi z nią do kina w każdą sobotę. Go to page
El se duce la film cu ea în fiecare sâmbătă.film la cinema(tograf).
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Hän menee elokuviin hänen kanssa joka lauantai. Go to page
×”×•× ×”×•×œ×š ×œ×§×•×œ× ×•×¢ ×יתה כל ×™×•× ×©×‘×ª. Go to page
Han går i biografen med hende hver søndag. Go to page
Project - Sentence Lists for Language Learning