Every man is the artisan of his own future. - All languages

Chacun est l'artisan de son bonheur. Go to page
Every man is the artisan of his own future. Go to page
Каждый сам кузнец своей судьбы. Go to page
Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied. Go to page
Ieder is de smid van zijn eigen geluk. Go to page
Fiecare îşi clădeşte viitorul propriu. Go to page
Var och en sin egen lyckas smed Go to page
Ognuno è artefice della sua fortuna Go to page
Jokainen on oman onnensa seppä Go to page
Cadascú és àrtifex de la seva sort Go to page
Всеки е ковач на своето щастие. Go to page
Cada ser humano é artífice do seu próprio futuro Go to page
Faber est suae quisque fortunae
Go to page
Кожен коваль свого щастя Go to page

Project - Latin quotes and sentences