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200 Text: Non olet [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Cæsar Vespasianus

Translated by Porfyhr

201 Text: Non omnis moriar [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

202 Text: Non possumus [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Pius IX

Translated by Porfyhr

203 Text: Non scholae sed vitae discimus [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

204 Text: Nosce te ipsum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

205 Text: Nuda veritas [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Horatio

Translated by Porfyhr

206 Text: Nulla dies sine linea [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

207 Text: Nulla regula sine exceptione [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

208 Text: Nunc est bibendum [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Horatio

Translated by Porfyhr

209 Text: Observandum sed non imitandum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

210 Text: Oderint, dum metuant [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Caligua

Translated by Porfyhr

211 Text: Odi profanum vulgus et arceo [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Horatio

Translated by Porfyhr

212 Text: Odium theologicum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

213 Text: Omen accipio [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

214 Text: Omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

215 Text: Opera omnia [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

216 Text: Ora et labora [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

217 Text: Ora pro nobis [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

218 Text: Orbis terrarum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

219 Text: O, sancta simplicitas [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Iohan Hus

Translated by Porfyhr

220 Text: O, tempora, o, mores [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Cicero

Translated by Porfyhr

221 Text: Otium cum dignitate [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

222 Text: Pactum turpe [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

223 Text: Panem et circenses [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Iuvenalis

Translated by Porfyhr

224 Text: Par nobis [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

225 Text: Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Horatio

Translated by Porfyhr

226 Text: Pater familias [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

227 Text: Pater patriae [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

228 Text: Pater noster [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

229 Text: Pater, peccavi [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

230 Text: Pax vobiscum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

231 Text: Per aspera ad astra [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

232 Text: Per capita [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

233 Text: Pereat [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

234 Text: Per fas et nefas [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

235 Text: Periculum in mora [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Livio

Translated by Porfyhr

236 Text: Perinde ac cadaver [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

237 Text: Perpetuum mobile [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

238 Text: Persona grata [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

239 Text: Pia desideria [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

240 Text: Poeta lauretaus [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

241 Text: Post nubila Phoebus [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

242 Text: Praeterea censeo Carthaginem esse delendam [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Cato

Translated by Porfyhr

243 Text: Primus inter pares [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

244 Text: Primus motor [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

245 Text: Probatum est [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

246 Text: Pro et contra [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

247 Text: Profanum vulgus [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Horatio

Translated by Porfyhr

248 Text: Pro patria [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

249 Text: Pro primo [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Porfyhr

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