We weren't tired in the morning but we will be tired in the ... - Все языки

Nous n'étions pas fatigué le matin mais nous serons fatigué le soir. На страницу
We weren't tired in the morning but we will be tired in the evening. На страницу
Nie byliÅ›my zmÄ™czeni rano, ale bÄ™dziemy zmÄ™czeni wieczorem. На страницу
Nu am fost obosiÅ£i dimineaţă, dar vom fi seara. На страницу
Me emme olleet väsyneitä aamulla, mutta me ollemme väsyneitä illalla.
future is not well defined in Finnish, one form of future for the second half would be: "mutta me tulemme olemaan väsyneitä,,,"
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