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250 Text: Punctum saliens [All languages - New Window]


251 Text: Qualis rex, talis grex [All languages - New Window]


252 Text: Quantum mutatus ab illo [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Vergilio

253 Text: Quantum satis [All languages - New Window]


254 Text: Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Vergilio

255 Text: Quinta essentia [All languages - New Window]


256 Text: Qui pro Quo [All languages - New Window]


257 Text: Qui tacet, consentit [All languages - New Window]

Comments: P. Bonifacio VIII

Translated by ja.goris

258 Text: Quod bonum, fastum felixque sit [All languages - New Window]


259 Text: Quod erat demonstrandum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

260 Text: Quod licet lovi, non licet bovi [All languages - New Window]


261 Text: Quod scripsi, scripsi [All languages - New Window]


262 Text: Quos ego [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Neptuni audit Vergilio

Translated by ja.goris

263 Text: Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Cicero

264 Text: Quo vadis, Domini? [All languages - New Window]


Translated by Lein

265 Text: Rara avis [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Persio

Translated by ja.goris

266 Text: Relata refero [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Herodoto

267 Text: Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domini [All languages - New Window]


268 Text: Requiescat in pace [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

269 Text: Romanus sum [All languages - New Window]


270 Text: Salvator mundi, salva nos [All languages - New Window]


271 Text: Salve [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

272 Text: Salvo honoris titulo [All languages - New Window]


273 Text: Sat sapienti [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

274 Text: Sed fugit interia, fugit irreparabile tempus [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Vergilio

275 Text: Semper idem [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Xantippa ad Sokrates, Cicero

276 Text: Sero venientibus ossa [All languages - New Window]


277 Text: Servus servorum Dei [All languages - New Window]


278 Text: Sic itur ad astra [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Vergilio

279 Text: Sic gloria transit mundi [All languages - New Window]


280 Text: Similia similibus curantur [All languages - New Window]


281 Text: Sine ira studio [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Taciti

282 Text: Sit tibe terra levis [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Martialio

283 Text: Sit venia verbo [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Pilinio

284 Text: Si vis pacem, para bellum [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

285 Text: Soli Deo gloria [All languages - New Window]


286 Text: Spiritus rector [All languages - New Window]


287 Text: Stabat mater dolorosa [All languages - New Window]


288 Text: Status quo ante bellum [All languages - New Window]


289 Text: Sub lege libertas [All languages - New Window]


290 Text: Sub legie aeternitatis [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Spinoza

291 Text: Summum ius, summa iniuria [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Cicero

Translated by ja.goris

292 Text: Sursum corda [All languages - New Window]


293 Text: Suum cuique [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Gellio

294 Text: Tabula rasa [All languages - New Window]

Comments: Ovidio

Translated by Lein

295 Text: Te Deum laudamus [All languages - New Window]


296 Text: Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis [All languages - New Window]


Translated by ja.goris

297 Text: Terra firma [All languages - New Window]


Translated by cucumis

298 Text: Terra incognita [All languages - New Window]


299 Text: Tertium non datur [All languages - New Window]


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