We will learn to speak English. - All languages

Nous apprendrons à parler anglais. Go to page
We will learn to speak English.
"English" should be changed to the language of translation.
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Мы научимся говорить по-английски. Go to page
Wir werden Deutsch sprechen lernen. Go to page
Nauczymy się mówić po polsku. Go to page
Vom învăţa să vorbim româna. Go to page
(Biz) İngilizce konuşmayı öğreneceğiz.
biz=we( I wrote in bracket because we dont have to use it), İngilizce=English, konuş=speak, konuşma=speaking, öğren=learn, öğreneceğiz=we will learn
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Impareremo a parlare Italiano. Go to page
אנחנו נלמד לדבר עברית. Go to page

Project - Sentence Lists for Language Learning