Selamat berkenalan - All languages

Enchanté(e) Go to page
Nice to meet you Go to page
Prazer em conhecê-la
Prazer em conhecê-lo
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Приятно познакомиться Go to page
Encantado de conocerte/conocerle/conoceros.
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很高兴认识你 Go to page
どうぞよろしく。 Go to page
Ich freue mich Sie kennenzulernen.
That's can also say: Freut micht -> that's more informal
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Miło Cię poznać Go to page
Nagyon örvendek. Go to page
Leuk om je te ontmoeten Go to page
Încântat de cunoştinţă
Îmi pare bine de cunoştinţă!
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Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum. / Memnun oldum. Go to page
Trevlig att träffas Go to page
Polite form = Piacere di conoscerla
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Hauska tavata sinua
If you meet somebody for the first time you cannot use this translation. More appropriate would be: "hauska tutustua", lit. 'nice to get to know [you]'. In most cases, the pronoun "you" 'sinua/sinut" is omitted in both frases.
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היה נעים לפגוש אותך Go to page
Hyggelig å treffe deg
A bit more polite
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Teší ma Go to page
Drago mi je Go to page
سُعدت بلقائك Go to page
Χάρηκα για τη γνωριμία
Equivalent of Pleased to make your aquaintance. In meeting someone "Χαίρομαι (για τη γνωριμία)" (I am pleased to meet you) is used although the part in parenthesis is rarely added
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Jsem rád/a že vás poznávám.
rád - if men tells it, ráda - if woman tells it
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Det er/var dejligt at møde dig
"er" and "var" are present and past terms of the Danish verb "at være" (=to be). It must be used in present or past tense as appropriate.
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Estas al mi agrable renkontiĝi vin
Estas bone renkontiĝi vin
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Me veseli Go to page
Encantat de coneixe't Go to page
Gëzohem që u njohëm Go to page
Drago mi je da smo se upoznali Go to page
Tá athas orm buaileadh leat/libh
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Meeldiv teid kohata.
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मिलकर ख़ुशी हुई
(Milkar xuśī huī)
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(yin-dii thíi dái rúujàk)
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آپ سَے ملکر خوشی ہوًی!
(āp se milker khushi huwi!)
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Hân hạnh gặp ông Go to page
Приятно ми е
Приятно ми е
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Prazer em conhecê-lo(a) Go to page
suave te cognoscere est Go to page
Gaman að sjá þig Go to page
Bly te kenne / Aangename kennis ; Lekker om jou te ontmoet ; Go to page
Stuttligt at hitta teg Go to page
Pêy dilxoşim bi nasînit Go to page
از دیدارت خوشبختم / از دیدارتان خوشبختم
to 1 prson / to many person
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Drago mi je da smo se upoznali. Go to page
Prieks iepazīties Go to page
приємно познайомитись ; Дуже приємно Go to page
Selamat berkenalan Go to page
Tige nei 't sin Go to page

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