Cucumis - 网上免费翻译服务
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Wordia - 冰岛语


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0 正文: Welcome to Wordia! [所有语言 - 新窗口]

评论: "Wordia" is a name and shall not be translated.

1 正文: Wordia is currently not available in (#). [所有语言 - 新窗口]

评论: "Wordia" is a name and shall not be translated. "(#)" shall be replaced by the name of the language you are translating to.

2 正文:
Wordia is a free online service for learning words in foreign languages.
[所有语言 - 新窗口]

评论: "Wordia" is a name and shall not be translated.

3 正文:
Please help us to translate this web site into (#).
[所有语言 - 新窗口]

评论: "(#)" shall be replaced by the name of the language you are translating to.