Cucumis - Free online translation service
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YouTube project - Turkish

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• After you start editing, you have 20 minutes left to translate the texts you selected.
• Once you've finished, don't forget to click on [Submit] just above the text, or on [Save] at the bottom of the page, to save your work.

0 Text: Featured Videos [All languages - New window]


Translated by boracasli

1 Text: day ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: gün önce

Translated by boracasli

2 Text: days ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: gün önce

Translated by boracasli

3 Text: month ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: ay önce

Translated by boracasli

4 Text: months ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: ay önce

Translated by boracasli

5 Text: year ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: yıl önce

Translated by boracasli

6 Text: years ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: yıl önce

Translated by boracasli

7 Text: week ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: hafta önce

Translated by boracasli

8 Text: weeks ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: hafta önce

Translated by boracasli

9 Text: Videos Being Watched Now [All languages - New window]

Comments: ÅŸimdiye kadar izlenmiÅŸ videolar

Translated by boracasli

10 Text: Recent Activity [All languages - New window]

Comments: ÅŸimdiki aktivite

Translated by boracasli

11 Text: Subscriptions [All languages - New window]

Comments: abonelikler

Translated by boracasli

12 Text: Personal Messages [All languages - New window]

Comments: kiÅŸisel mesajlar

Translated by boracasli

13 Text: Comments [All languages - New window]

Comments: Yorumlar

Translated by boracasli

14 Text: Friend Invites [All languages - New window]

Comments: arkadaÅŸ davetleri

Translated by boracasli

15 Text: Shared with you [All languages - New window]

Comments: seninle paylaşılan

Translated by boracasli

16 Text: Video Responses [All languages - New window]


Translated by boracasli

17 Text: Find your friends on YouTube! [All languages - New window]

Comments: Arkadaşlarını youtube'da bul

Translated by boracasli

18 Text: Advertisement [All languages - New window]

Comments: Reklam

Translated by boracasli

19 Text: Try YouTube in a fast, new web browser! [All languages - New window]


Translated by boracasli

20 Text: Download Google Chrome for PC [All languages - New window]

Comments: Bilgisayarın için google chrome'u indir

Translated by boracasli

21 Text: What's New [All languages - New window]

Comments: Yeni haber ?

Translated by boracasli

22 Text: seconds ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: saniye önce

Translated by boracasli

23 Text: minute ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: Dakika önce

Translated by boracasli

24 Text: minutes ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: Dakika önce

Translated by boracasli

25 Text: hour ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: saat önce

Translated by boracasli

26 Text: hours ago [All languages - New window]

Comments: saat önce

Translated by boracasli

27 Text: Sign Out [All languages - New window]

Comments: Çıkış yap

Translated by boracasli

28 Text: Upload [All languages - New window]

Comments: Yükleme

Translated by boracasli

29 Text: History [All languages - New window]

Comments: Tarih

Translated by boracasli

30 Text: Channels [All languages - New window]

Comments: Kanallar

Translated by boracasli

31 Text: Videos [All languages - New window]

Comments: Videolar

Translated by boracasli

32 Text: Add YouTube to your Google homepage [All languages - New window]

Comments: Youtube'yi anasayfana ekle

Translated by boracasli

33 Text: Uploads [All languages - New window]

Comments: Yüklemeler

Translated by boracasli

34 Text: Favorites [All languages - New window]

Comments: Favoriler

Translated by boracasli

35 Text: Playlists [All languages - New window]

Comments: Çalma listesi

Translated by boracasli

36 Text: Subscribe [All languages - New window]

Comments: Abone

Translated by boracasli

37 Text: Block User [All languages - New window]

Comments: Kullanıcısı engelle

Translated by boracasli

38 Text: Profile [All languages - New window]

Comments: Profil

Translated by boracasli

39 Text: Add as Friend [All languages - New window]

Comments: ArkadaÅŸ olarak ekle

Translated by boracasli

40 Text: Send Message [All languages - New window]

Comments: Mesaj gönder

Translated by boracasli

41 Text: Age [All languages - New window]

Comments: YaÅŸ

Translated by boracasli

42 Text: Hobbies [All languages - New window]

Comments: Hobiler

Translated by boracasli

43 Text: Books [All languages - New window]

Comments: Kitaplar

Translated by boracasli

44 Text: Music [All languages - New window]

Comments: Müzik

Translated by boracasli

45 Text: Occupation [All languages - New window]


Translated by boracasli

46 Text: Hometown [All languages - New window]


Translated by boracasli

47 Text: Country [All languages - New window]

Comments: Ãœlke

Translated by boracasli

48 Text: Joined [All languages - New window]

Comments: Katınılan

Translated by boracasli

49 Text: Subscribers [All languages - New window]

Comments: aboneler

Translated by boracasli