Do you want to learn English? - Alle sprog
Est-ce que tu veux apprendre l'Anglais ?
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Do you want to learn English?
"English" should be changed to the language of the translation.
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Ð’Ñ‹ хотите учить руÑÑкий?
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Willst Du englisch lernen?
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Czy chcesz uczyć się polskiego?
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Vrei să înveţi engleză?
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İngilizce öğrenmek istermisin?
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Vuoi imparare l'italiano/ Vuole imparare l'italiano?/Volete imparare l'italiano?
Informal (singular)/ formal (singular) / Formal or plural
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Haluatko oppia englantia?
'opiskella' is also okay but it means primarily 'to study'
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Projekt - Sentence Lists for Language Learning