What will your child be interested in? - Kaikki kielet
A quoi s'intéressera ton enfant ?
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What will your child be interested in?
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Чем будет интереÑоватьÑÑ Ð’Ð°Ñˆ ребёнок?
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In was wird sich dein Kind interessieren?
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Czym twoje dziecko będzie się interesować?
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Ce o să-l pasioneze pe copilul tău?
or Ce îi va plăcea copilului tău?
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Di cosa si interesserà il tuo bambino?
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במה הילד שלך ×™×”×™×” ×ž×¢×•× ×™×™×Ÿ?
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Projekti - Sentence Lists for Language Learning