Official offer
Total price for renting the apartment for XX nights from the XXth of June/July/August 2007. is XXX Euros (per apartment without Tourist Tax).
You can confirm your booking by replying to this Email and including the info requested below under booking offer.
Booking offer:
This is an offer for booking of accomodation for XX nights from the XXth of June/July/August 2007. at Apartments Park Igalo.
The total price for the above mentioned period is XXX Euros. Full payment will be taken on your arrival to our apartments.
Please confirm this booking as well as date of arrival and length of stay ( XX nights from the XXth of June/July/August 2007.). The booking is not valid until we receive your confirmation.
In case that another guest confirm their booking for the same period before you, this offer will become void.
You can confirm your booking by replying to this Email with following info required for registering your stay at our apartments:
1. Names of all persons that will be staying at our apartment and their dates of birth.
2. Your permanent address where you live at the moment (and address in your passport if different).
As soon as we receive your confirmation, we will send you an Email with the confirmation that the booking is completed and the address of our apartment.
That will conclude legaly binding contract between You and Apartments Park Igalo and confirm that both sides are satisfied with all the terms in this Email.
We will be taking responsibility of paying you 30% of total booking price in case that we are unable to accommodate you in our apartment during the period mentioned above, and you will be taking the responsibility of paying 30% of total booking price in case you have to cancel your booking.
The apartment will be ready at 13:00 on the day of your arrival ( XX.XX.) and you should leave the apartment by 10:00 on the day of your departure ( XX.XX.) so that we can get the apartment ready for the guests who will be arriving on that day.
In case that you arrive before 13:00 you would be able to leave your luggage with us and come back at 13:00 to take the keys for the apartment. Also, on the day of the departure you would be able to leave your luggage with us after 10:00 until the time you are leaving Igalo. Please let us know if you know at what time you will be arriving to Igalo (or the nearest airport).
Thank you for your booking and please recommend us to your friends and family...
Kind regards,Siirry sivulle
You write the prices and dates two times, once would be enough. Also it cannot be called "total price" if there is still a tax to pay. You must say price xx + tax (an how much it is) OR price xx including taxes (and how much).
Officielt tilbud
Komplet pris til lejning lejligheden i XX nætter fra XX juni/juli/august 2007 er XXX euros (pr. lejlighed uden turist afgift).
De kan bekræfte deres reservering ved at svar på e-mailen og tilføj informationer krævet nedenunder under reserverings tilbud.
Reserverings tilbud:
Det er et tilbud til reservering af bosted i XX nætter fra XX juni/juli/august 2007 i Appartment Park Igalo.
Den komplette pris til ovennævnt periode er XXX euros. Fuldstændig betaling kræves ved ankomst i vores lejligheder.
Bekræft venligst både reserveringen, ankomsttid og tidsrum af opholdet ( XX nætter fra XX juni/juli/august 2007.). Reserveringen er ugyldig intil vi modtager din bekræftelse.
Hvis en anden gæst bekræfter sin reservering i samme periode tidligere, bliver tilbuded ugyldigt.
De kan bekræfte deres reservering ved at svar på e-mailen og tilføj følgende informationer for at registrere deres ophold i vores lejligheder:
1. Navne af alle personer der vil opholde sig i vores lejligheder og deres fødselsdatoer.
2. Deres faste adresse hvor De bor nu (og adressen der står i deres pas hvis forskellig).
Så snart som vi modtager deres bekræftelse, sender vi en e-mail til Dem med bekræftelsen at reservering er fuldstændig og deres lejligheds adresse.
Det vil afslutte en lovlig bindend overenskomst mellem Dem og Appartment Park Igalo og bekræfte at begge parter er tilfredse med alle vilkår i e-mailen.
Vi vil stå til ansvar for betaling af 30% af den komplette reserverings pris hvis vi ikke kan indlogere jer i vores lejligheder under den ovennænte periode, og De vil stå til ansvar for betaling af 30% af den komplette reserverings pris hvis De skal sende afbud din reservering.
Lejligheden vil være færdig kl. 13 på dagen af deres ankomst (XX.XX) og De burde forlade lejligheden kl. 10 på dagen af deres afrejse (XX.XX) så at vi kan gøre lejligheden færdig til gæsterne, der ankommer den dag.
Hvis De ankommer før kl. 13 kan De lade deres bagage hos os og komme tilbage kl. 13 for at hente nøglerne til deres lejlighed. Også, på dagen af deres afrejse kan De lade deres bagage hos os efter kl. 10 indtil De forlader Igalo. Inform os venligst hvis De ved hvornår De ankommer i Igalo (eller den næste lufthavn).
Tak for deres reservering og anbefal os til Deres venner og familie...
Venlig hilsen,
Siirry sivulle