Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
. .

Newsburn - Izlandi

How to translate?

• Click on [Làsd a következö forditàst] to search all the pages for the next translation to do.
• Click on [Forditani] or [Vàtoztatni] just below the text to be translated or updated. Or check-in all the texts you want to edit/translate and click on [Vàtoztatni] at the bottom of the page (you can use shortcut button to scroll down the page faster to the [Vàtoztatni] button).

• After you start editing, you have 20 minutes left to translate the texts you selected.
• Once you've finished, don't forget to click on [Elküld] just above the text, or on [Lap mentése] at the bottom of the page, to save your work.

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50 Szöveg: click here [Minden nyelv - Új ablakban]


51 Szöveg: to load another one. [Minden nyelv - Új ablakban]


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