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원문 - 프랑스어 - Depuis peu, dans un quartier un peu plus...

현재 상황원문
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 프랑스어

분류 문학 - 사랑 / 우정

Depuis peu, dans un quartier un peu plus...
번역될 본문
imogenne에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 프랑스어

Depuis peu, dans un quartier un peu plus loin se trouvait Joachim, ses parents devaient se battre afin de parvenir à leur besoin, malgré leur problèmes, Joachim étais dans un collège privé. Le matin
de la rentrée scolaire, il se leva et se prépara. Sur le chemin des cours, il croisa deux adolescents de son âge portant le même uniforme, Joachim s'approcha et les interpella, les trois personnes se rapprocha jusqu'à devenir amis.
2017년 2월 28일 15:43

마지막 글


2017년 3월 6일 14:25

게시물 갯수: 2
Recently, in an area a little further was Joachim. His parents had to fight to achieve their needs, despite them, Joachim went to a private college. The morning
At the beginning of the school year, he got up and prepared. On the way to school, he met two teenagers of his age wearing the same uniform. Joachim approached them and talked to them. The three people became friends.

2017년 3월 6일 16:27

게시물 갯수: 12396
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