William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton ble født 19. August 1946 i Hope( Arkansas.)Han er en amerikans politiker og jurist som var Usa`s 42. president fra 1993-2001. Han har tidligere vært både statsadvokat og guvurnør i Arkansas.
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton was born on August 19th
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton was born on August 19th, 1946 in Hope (Arkansas). He is an American politician and a legal expert, he was the 42nd president of the USA between 1993 and 2001. He had been both a city attorney and a governor in Arkansas earlier on.
Just a few changes.
before edits:
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton was born the 19th August 1946 in Hope (Arkansas). He is an American politician and legal expert, he was USA: s 42nd president between 1993 and 2001. He has been both city attorney and governor in Arkansas earlier on.