Salve Aneta!
I found this request very difficult to be translated, I'm not surprised there are many wrong things. Well, let's see how I can clarify my translation...
1. "Óh! Anjo
moreno" means literally "Oh!
Tanned angel".
It seems to me that "ater" or "obscurus" have a negative nuance, while this angel is simply tanned.
So I opted for "aeneus"
2. "na vida de um
simples mortal" > "in the life of a
simple mortal"
You're right for sure, I don't know why I wrote down "unius"
3. I'll rewrite the whole phrase using the English word order:
"gradus tui sunt notae in animo meo et vestigia divina exsistentia (= quae exsistunt) in vita cuiusdam mortalis."
You're right, sorry, I got confused with Spanish, where "es" means "(he/she/it) is".
5. A literal translation to Latin would be "tam pura quam
ea adulescentis", but I read somewhere that in this case we can remove the pronoun and leave only the genitive.
6. That phrase is related to "tam pura quam adulescentis qui a multo tempore te fascinare
By putting "conatur" in brackets I meant that the principal verb is the same, but it doesn't even appear in the Portuguese text.
And with "colere" (or adsectari) I mean "to flirt"
7. Here you are:
"When I watch you, I am paralized and I end up without words and actions that, for sure, would change the rest of my life".
If you have to reject it, don't worry and do it! At least I'll try again.