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Překlad - Francouzsky-Anglicky - Réservations

Momentální stavPřeklad
Text je dostupný v následujících jazycích: FrancouzskyAnglickyHolandskyNěmecky

Kategorie Výraz - Zábava / Cestování

Podrobit se od Witchy
Zdrojový jazyk: Francouzsky

Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,

Nous vous remercions de votre demande d'information sur notre camping.
Veuillez trouver ci-joint une documentation et un bon de réservation, qu'il vous suffira de retourner à l'adresse indiquée, dûment complété, dans le cas où un séjour en camping chez nous vous plairait.
Nous vous souhaitons bonne réception de ce pli et restons à votre entière disposition pour vous donner tout renseignement complémentaire.
Espérant avoir le plaisir de vous recevoir bientôt,
La Direction.
P.J.: les tarifs 2007, 1 bon de réservation et 1 prospectus

Nous vous remercions d'avoir bien voulu nous confier vos vacances. Nous vous avons donc réservé, provisoirement, un emplacement camping pour la période :
Pour rendre cette réservation définitive, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous retourner, sous quinze jours à compter de la date de ce courrier, le bon de réservation ci-joint et des arrhes d’un montant de € .
Si ce délai venait à être dépassé, nous serions, à notre grand regret, dans l'obligation d'annuler cette réservation purement et simplement.
Nous sommes à votre entière disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire, aussi n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Dans l'attente de vous accueillir nous vous prions d'agréer nos salutations distinguées.

Nous avons bien reçu votre demande de réservation, ainsi que votre versement de € comprenant :
€ de frais de dossier et
€ d'avance sur votre séjour.
Aussi, nous vous confirmons par la présente la réservation définitive d'un emplacement camping à votre nom pour la période :
du … (après 13 heures) au … (avant 12 heures)
Selon les termes de votre réservation le montant de votre séjour s’élèvera à : € (dont € de taxe de séjour) déduction faite de votre versement de €, il vous restera € à régler.

Volet de réservation, prix
Possibilité de paiement des arrhes par carte bancaire
Numéro de carte
3 derniers chiffres dans le cadre au dos de la carte
Expire à fin

Prénom, code postal, ville, numéro de téléphone / de fax, arrivée, départ.

Personne, enfant, piéton, personne supplémentaire, animal, moto, bicyclette, voiture, caravane (dimensions), camping-car, électricité
Taxe de séjour, frais de réservation, arrhes à verser pour réservation
Sans accès aux sanitaires maximum 24h
Gratuit, non applicable

FORFAIT ACSI pour les détenteurs de la carte en basse saison
Camping adhérent de MAGIC EUROPE: 10% de remise toute l'année sur présentation du coupon

Remise long séjour (sauf du 01/07 au 15/08) > 6 nuits, -15% sur toutes les nuits
Rendez-vous sur notre site web
Poznámky k překladu
Je veux des traductions qui sonnent bien dans la langue de destination, car sinon, par exemple, pour l'anglais, je pourrais le faire moi-même. / I want translation which sound good in the destination language, otherwise, for example, I could translate towards English.

Lettres d'informations pour les touristes voulant effectuer des réservations / Informations for tourists who want to book a place

ACSI, MAGIC EUROPE -> ne pas traduire / do not translate

P.J. -> Abréviation de "Pièces jointes" / Abbreviation for "Pièces jointes"


Přeložil turkishmiss
Cílový jazyk: Anglicky

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your letter of inquiry about our campground.
Please find enclosed a brochure and a reservation form. If a stay at our campground appeals to you, all you need to do is to fill out the reservation form and return it to the indicated address.
We hope you have received this mail in good order and please do not hesitate to approach us if you need more information.
We look forward to having you here soon,
The Management.
Enclosed : 2007 price list, 1 reservation form and 1 brochure.

Thank you for choosing us to host your holidays. We have temporarily reserved a campsite for you.
To confirm this reservation, we would be grateful if you could return the enclosed reservation form to us within fifteen days from the date of this mail and pay a deposit of € .
If we do not receive your reply before the deadline, we will be obliged, with our deepest regret, to cancel this reservation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
Looking forward to having you here.
Yours faithfully,

We have received your reservation form, and your payment of € including:
€ reservation fee and
€ deposit for your stay.
We have confirmed your reservation of a campsite under your name at our campground for the period:
from ........(after 1 p.m.) to ......(before 12 noon).
Under the terms of your reservation, the cost of your stay will be € (of which € is for visitor's tax). After deduction of your € deposit, you will have to pay a balance of € .

Reservation form, price
Possibility of deposit payment by credit/debit card
Card number
Last three numbers in the box on the back of the card
Date of expiry

First name, postal code, city, telephone number, fax number, arrival, departure.

Person, child, backpackers, additional person, pet(s), motorcycle, bicycle, car, trailer (dimensions of the vehicle), motor home, electricity
Visitor's tax, reservation fee, deposit to pay for reservation
maximum 24 hours without access to sanitation
Free, not applicable

SEASON TICKET ACSI for card holders in off-peak season.
Campground member of MAGIC EUROPE: a 10% discount year round upon presentation of the voucher.

Discount for long stay (except from 07/01 to 08/15) > 6 nights, 15% off for all nights
Come visit our web site

Naposledy potvrzeno či editováno kafetzou - 1 květen 2007 22:27

Poslední příspěvek


29 duben 2007 09:20

Počet příspěvků: 477
The translation seems quite good, ma some things do not sound really English to me. Am I wrong?

Since the translation is long (and I think it was long to translate for Turkishmiss), if there are just some corrections to do, please do not reject the text. I will try to improve it.

29 duben 2007 09:28

Počet příspěvků: 12396
kafetzou will tell us, as my English isn't better than turkishmiss's or yours. I can see a few things to edit and I edited a few words, but that's all I can do at the moment. I would use "to book" instead of "to reserv", I'd say "thanks for having choosen" instead of "thank you to have choosen", yes, the translation I would have done would be different, but it doesn't mean it would be better than the turkishmiss's one...when I saw this translation when it was still to be done, I told to myself "OOOOH, I'm going to make a lot of mistakes in it" so I didn't do it...

29 duben 2007 09:32

Počet příspěvků: 12396
But I agree with you about turkishmiss's work, the translation just needs to be edited for some details, but it sure has got to be edited then validated at turkishmiss's credit, according to the amount of work she did, and not refused, that would be unfair...

29 duben 2007 11:13

Počet příspěvků: 326
Hm actually I think there's more than a "few" mistakes, but Kafetzou has the last word

29 duben 2007 20:39

Počet příspěvků: 477
Maski > Yes, we'll wait for Kafetzou's opinion.
And I've "spoken" with Turkishmiss. She would understand if Kafetzou rejects the translation because of too many mistakes.

30 duben 2007 09:07

Počet příspěvků: 235
Hi guys,
I have edited the translation to a "more English" feel. I cannot imagine any English speaker calling their "prospectus" a "junk mail"...

I need to ask about the meaning of "NOM ET ADRESSE DU PROPRIETAIRE"
Does "PROPRIETAIRE" refer to the owner of the credit/debit card? Or does it refer to the merchant? Some dictionary gave the english equivalence as "proprietor", some as "owner"...

"Sans accès aux sanitaires maximum 24h": Does it refer to no access to the toilets/bathroom? Or does it refer to no access to medical attention?

We don't usually use "Rendezvous" in official correspondence. Could anyone explain "Rendez-vous sur notre site web", so that I can think of a corresponding English phrase? Thanks.

30 duben 2007 06:58

Počet příspěvků: 12396
Hello, samanthalee!
- "NOM ET ADRESSE DU PROPRIETAIRE" refers to the credit card owner
- "Sans accès aux sanitaires maximum 24h" refers to the access to toilets/bathroom
- "Rendez-vous"is used in English more for a date (an affair) than here where it is meant "let's meet on our website" "rendez-vous" is the imperative form of the verb "se rendre à..", which is translatable by "to get to..."(for instance "to get to a meeting...", or "to go to...", or again, "to move to"
Hope this last explanation is clear enough to you

30 duben 2007 07:59

Počet příspěvků: 3785
turkishmiss, this is very kind to do this translation, but for this kind of request, it's really important an actual fluent/native speaker do it. You understand it's very hard for us to reject a hard work like this because you did your best, but next time, no mercy
I don't know what is the opinion of Kafetzou about it ...

30 duben 2007 08:20

Počet příspěvků: 235
turkishmiss, your attempt is really not too bad. I could understand all of it except one or two ambiguity. Thanks for taking the time.

30 duben 2007 09:04

Počet příspěvků: 235
Thanks Francky, in that case, the word "sanitary" has been rightly used.

Thanks for explaning about "rendezvous". It does take on a "clandestine" nature in English, although funny enough we have a rather grand hotel here called Hotel Rendezvous.

However, I still don't quite understand what is meant by "Let's meet on our website". Witchy, what was that bit supposed to mean in French?

30 duben 2007 12:30

Počet příspěvků: 477
Francky has explained everything in the right way.

"Rendez-vous sur notre site web" means "for more informations, visit our website", so I think it could be translated by "Let's visit our website" or something more English.

Thank you so much Samanthalee.

I've changed "pedestrian" in "backpackers".

1 květen 2007 21:45

Počet příspěvků: 7963
Nice translation - I have made a few edits - campground is the whole facility; campsite is one unit on the facility, and a few other things.

I just have problems with one phrase: "after deduction of your remittance of €, you will have to pay €. " This makes no sense in English. The original was "déduction faite de votre versement de €, il vous restera € à régler." What does this mean?

1 květen 2007 22:28

Počet příspěvků: 7963
turkishmiss answered my question by sending me a message to my in-box. I think I have now solved the problem, so I have validated the translation.

2 květen 2007 23:17

Počet příspěvků: 477
Thanks Kafetzou.

Just one more question. Maybe I'm wrong but "If a stay at our campground appeals to you" sounds strange to me.

3 květen 2007 00:43

Počet příspěvků: 7963
No - I think it's OK.

3 květen 2007 22:07

Počet příspěvků: 477
Thank you for your help, everyone!!!