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Original text - Hungarian - A 2006 jùlius 05-én kelt beadvànyàra...

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A 2006 jùlius 05-én kelt beadvànyàra...
Text to be translated
Submitted by smardau
Source language: Hungarian

A 2006 jùlius 05-én kelt beadvànyàra tàjékoztatom, hogy a megadott személyi adatokkal nyilvàntartàsunkban nem szerepel.
Remarks about the translation
Please translate this text using the Romanian characters. Any translation done without these characters will be rejected. Thanks.
Vă rog să efectuaţi traducerea folosind caracterele româneşti, deoarece orice traducere efectuată fără acestea din urmă va fi refuzată. Mulţumesc
Edited by Francky5591 - 5 February 2007 13:55