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Translation - English-Serbian - Philosophers nowadays often aspire to systematic...

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Philosophers nowadays often aspire to systematic...
Submitted by sasapd
Source language: English

Philosophers nowadays often aspire to systematic and even mathematically rigorous accounts of language; these philosophers are in one way or another heirs to Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein and the logical positivists, who strove to employ rigorous accounts of logic and of meaning in attempts to penetrate, and in some cases to dispel, traditional philosophical questions (see Logical positivism).

Filozofi danas cesto pribegavaju sistematicnom

Translated by Cinderella
Target language: Serbian

Filozofi danas cesto pribegavaju sistematicnom, cak i matematicki rigoroznom procenjivanju jezika; oni su u neku ruku naslednici Gottlob Frege-a, Bertrand Russell-a, Ludwig Wittgenstein-a i logicki pozitivisti koji se trude da usvoje rigorozne procene logike i smisla, trudeci se da probiju i u nekim slucajevima razbiju, tradicionalna filozofska pitanja (vidi Logicki pozitivizam).
Validated by Cinderella - 21 November 2006 09:34