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Translation - French-English - NNous avons espoir d'un changement d'attitude de...

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Category Letter / Email

NNous avons espoir d'un changement d'attitude de...
Submitted by stounetize
Source language: French

Nous espérons que tu comprennes nos actes t nos coutumes,nous t'avons élevée ainsi que tu le veuilles ou non tu fais toujours partie de la communauté Sikh.Nous avons espoir d'un changement d'attitude de ta part,il est inconcevable que tu restes loin de ta famille plus longtemps.Sache que tout le monde t'aime et que nous regrettons de ne pas être auprés de toi.Malgré tou,nous comprennons ton choix mais nous ne pouvons nous résoudre à l'accepter car cela voudrait dire que toute la famille est contre les traditions Sikh,or cela est impossible.

We hope you understand...

Translated by CocoT
Target language: English

I hope you understand our actions and our customs, that's the way we raised you whether you like it or not - you're always part of the Sikh community. We are hoping for a change of attitude on your part; it is inconceivable that you should stay far away from your family any longer. Know that we all love you and that we regret that we can't be close to you. In spite of it all, we understand your choice but we just cannot accept it because that would mean that the whole family is not following Sikh traditions, and that is just impossible.
Validated by kafetzou - 25 February 2007 03:00

Last messages


25 February 2007 07:53

Number of messages: 165
I see you made the choice to attach "whether you like it or not" to what came before it, Kafetzou. It's totally fine, of course. I had decided not to make such choice as the French version itself didn't show clearly what it referred to:

1) nous t'avons élevée ainsi[,] que tu le veuilles ou non - tu fais toujours partie de la communauté Sikh


2) nous t'avons élevée ainsi - que tu le veuilles ou non[,] tu fais toujours partie de la communauté Sikh

The meaning is extremely similar anyway, so I don't think it's a problem.