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Translation - English-Serbian - According to the national industrial policies and...

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According to the national industrial policies and...
Submitted by an16
Source language: English

According to the national industrial policies and economic development plan of the local government, syndicated loans are focused on energy, transportation, hi-tech industries and regional key projects.

Eligible applicants include corporations incorporated within China's territory or other economic organizations approved by the banks (referred to as the borrower) that comply with General Rules on Loans and Interim Regulation on Syndicated Loans.

Sudeći po nacionalnim industrijskim polisama i ...

Translated by Zimmer
Target language: Serbian

Sudeći po nacionalnim industrijskim polisama i ekonomskom razvojnom planu lokalne vlade,organizovana pozajmica je fokusirana na energiju,saobraćaj,industrije visoke tehnologije i regionalne ključne projekte.

Kvalifikovani podnosioci molbi uključuju korporacije objedinjene unutar kineske teritorije ili drugih ekonomskih organizacija odobrenih od banaka (koje se nazivaju zajmodavci), a koje se pokoravaju Opštim pravilima o zajmovima i unutrašnjim propisima organizovanih pozajmica.
Validated by Cinderella - 20 June 2007 20:31