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Translation - English-Turkish - the Post Picasso website today is an online...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

the Post Picasso website today is an online...
Submitted by Gulsen67
Source language: English

the Post Picasso website today is an online gallery where artists display their work, along with their biographies and calendar of events.

"Post Picasso"

Translated by sirinler
Target language: Turkish

"Post Picasso" internet sayfası bugün sanatçıların , biyografileri ve etkinlik takvimiyle beraber çalışmalarını sergiledikleri çevrimiçi bir web sitesidir.
Remarks about the translation
I prefered not changing the "post picasso" ..if there is a mistake, it is because of its not being translated..:0)
Validated by p0mmes_frites - 6 April 2008 18:46