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Translation - Serbian-English - Vrednost ugovora je 1.200,00 EUR u dinarskoj...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianEnglishPortuguese brazilian

กลุ่ม Business / Jobs

Vrednost ugovora je 1.200,00 EUR u dinarskoj...
Submitted by denis88
Source language: Serbian

Vrednost ugovora je 1.200,00 EUR u dinarskoj protivvrednosti na dan isplate.
Remarks about the translation
Ovaj prevod mora biti tačan, jer je u pitanju prevod rečenice za ugovor

The value of the contract

Translated by Pedreco
Target language: English

The value of the contract is 1200 EUR in RSD countervalue on the payment day.
Remarks about the translation
"protivvrednosti" can be both counterprice and countervalue
Validated by lilian canale - 11 August 2008 18:37