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Original text - English - The BILL due for its second readind in the House...

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The BILL due for its second readind in the House...
Text to be translated
Submitted by Issadore
Source language: English

The BILL due for its second readind in the House of Lords later this month, recognises the equality between man and wife by ending her right to maintenance after the breakdown of mariage.
6 November 2007 09:03



8 November 2007 11:49

จำนวนข้อความ: 1
La deuda de Conter (del PROYECTE DE LLEI) per a la seva segona lectura en la Cámera dels Lors mes tard d'aquest mes, reconeix l'igualtat entre home i la muller acabant el seu dret al manteniment despres de l'interrupciò del matrimoni