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10Dịch - Serbian-French - Sta se tebi desilo??? malo je cugnuo

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This text is available in the following languages: SerbianFrench

Nhóm chuyên mục Chat

Sta se tebi desilo??? malo je cugnuo
Submitted by kitchiiiie
Source language: Serbian

Sta se tebi desilo???
malo je cugnuo
Remarks about the translation
français de france

Qu'est ce qui vous est arrivé ??? Il est un peu ivre

Translated by turkishmiss
Target language: French

Qu'est ce qui vous est arrivé ???
Il est un peu ivre
Remarks about the translation
Bridge from roller coaster :
What happened to you??? He's a bit drunk.
Thank you Roller Coaster
Validated by Botica - 29 Tháng 2 2008 11:24