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Dịch - Turkish-English - Title :Ferah Sebnem - Sil Bastan gücün var...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Song

Title :Ferah Sebnem - Sil Bastan gücün var...
Submitted by zalaka
Source language: Turkish

gücün var mý sevgilim
derin sularda inci tanesi aramaya
cesaretin kaldýysa
hala benle aþktan konuþmaya

söyle caným sevgilim
hayat bize oyun oynuyor olabilir mi
yorgun gibi bir halim var
duygularýn karýþýk olabilir mi

sil baþtan baþlamak gerek bazen
hayatý sýfýrlamak
sil baþtan silmek gerek bazen
herþeyi unutmak

sanki bugün son günmüþ gibi
dolu dolu yaþamak istiyorum ben
her ne çýkarsa yoluma,selam verip yürümek istiyorum ben
Remarks about the translation
A beautiful Turkish song.

Title :Ferah Sebnem - Sil Bastan gücün var...

Translated by sirinler
Target language: English

Do you have the power, my lover?
To look for a pearl in deep seas..
If you have courage left,
To talk about love with me...

Let's tell, my dear lover
Is it possible that life is playing a game with us?
I look tired,
Can your feelings be mixed?

Sometimes,it is necessary to start from the beginning
To modify everything,
Sometimes,it is necessary to delete everything
And to forget everything

As if this is the last day,
I want to live it fully..
Whatever comes to my way,
To greet and go on walking..
Remarks about the translation
Validated by dramati - 8 Tháng 3 2008 22:58