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Dịch - Greek-Romanian - ευχαριστω τους μεταφραστες!!!!!

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Nhóm chuyên mục Love / Friendship

ευχαριστω τους μεταφραστες!!!!!
Source language: Greek

Καλησπέρα, μπορώ να πω ότι είμαι ερωτευμένος μαζί σου!!!
Από την ημέρα που σε γνώρισα (13/8/08) το κατάλαβα!
Κάτι έλαμψε μέσα μου , το ένοιωσα
Από εκείνη την μέρα σε σκέπτομαι συνέχεια, όπου και αν είμαι
Είσαι ότι πιο όμορφο έχω γνωρίσει στην ζωή μου!
Ότι και αν γίνει με εμάς τους δυο εγώ σε ευχαριστώ,
Για την ευτυχία που είχα να σε γνωρίσω
Είσαι υπέροχος άνθρωπος και σου αξίζει κάθε ευτυχία.
Φιλία πολλά

ευχαριστω τους μεταφραστες!!!!!

Translated by MÃ¥ddie
Target language: Romanian

Bună seara, pot să spun că m-am îndrăgostit de tine!
Începând cu ziua în care te-am întâlnit (13/8/08) am ştiut asta!
Ceva a strălucit înăuntrul meu, am simţit-o.
Începând cu acea zi, mă gândesc la tine tot timpul, oriunde sunt
Eşti cel mai frumos lucru pe care l-am cunoscut în viaţa mea!
Indiferent ce se va întâmpla cu noi amândoi, îţi mulţumesc
Pentru bucuria pe care am simţit-o când te-am întâlnit
Eşti o persoană minunată şi meriţi toată fericirea
Multe sărutări
Remarks about the translation
Thank you Mideia for the bridge! :)
Good evening,I can say that I'm in love with you!!!
From the day that I met you(13/8/0I knew it!(literally=understood)
Something sparkleδ inside me,I felt it
From that day I think of you all the time, wherever I am
You're the most beautiful thing I've known in my life!
No matter what happens with both of us I thank you
For the joy that I had meeting you
You're a wonderful person and you deserve every happiness
Many kisses

The title means "Mulţumesc translatorilor!" (Google)
Validated by azitrad - 21 Tháng 10 2008 17:14