Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Latinh - He will never find someone like her, in the same...

Current statusDịch
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishLatinh

Nhóm chuyên mục Sentence - Love / Friendship

He will never find someone like her, in the same...
Submitted by kristina2
Source language: English

He will never find someone like her, in the same way she will never find someone like him.

Is numquam inveniet aliquem ut eam...

Translated by Aneta B.
Target language: Latinh

Is numquam aliquem ut eam, similariter ea numquam aliquem ut eum inveniet.
Validated by Efylove - 10 Tháng 12 2009 20:12