Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - Chinese simplified-English - 爱盲语音索引计划倡议书 “勿以善小而不为”-孔夫子 公元前551å¹´ A.使命:...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Literature - Humor

爱盲语音索引计划倡议书 “勿以善小而不为”-孔夫子 公元前551年 A.使命:...
Submitted by xubing
Source language: Chinese simplified

“勿以善小而不为”-孔夫子 公元前551年


LovBlind Speech Indexing Program - proposal

Translated by cacue23
Target language: English

LovBlind Speech Indexing Program - proposal
"Do not regard a good deed as too small to be done" - Confucius, 551 BC

A. Mission:
As a benefit from technological development and reduced manufacturing costs, 50 million blind and 150 million visually impaired people from all over the world, especially the poverished blind people living in China, India, Bangladesh, Africa and other underdeveloped areas may share with us the great achievements brought about by the invention of the internet. Our mission is to bring the possibility to reality with our eyes or voices, so that as many blind people as possible could listen to the voices from the internet at the lowest cost.
Validated by lilian canale - 9 Tháng 3 2010 11:46