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Dịch - Turkish-English - Musakka Türkiye Yapılışı: Önce fırınınızı 175...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Daily life - Food

Musakka Türkiye Yapılışı: Önce fırınınızı 175...
Submitted by yagmurr
Source language: Turkish

Musakka Türkiye


Önce fırınınızı 175 dereceye getirip ısıtın. Patlıcanların kabuklarını soyup, iki santim kalınlığında yuvarlak halkalar biçiminde doğrayın. Üzerlerine tuz serpip, yaklaşık 20-30 dakika acı suyunun çıkmasını bekleyin. Sonra soğuk suyla yıkayıp, kurulayın. Zeytinyağını bir tavada kızdırın. Yağ kızınca patlıcanları alt üst ederek altın sarısı bir renk alıncaya kadar kızartın. Fazla yağlarını süzdürerek tavadan alın. Kâğıt peçete üzerine çıkartın. Musakkayı pişireceğiniz fırın tepsisine kızarttığınız patlıcanların yarısını dizin. Bir tencerede margarini eritin. Yağ kızınca soğanı ara sıra karıştırarak birkaç dakika sote edin. Kıymayı ekleyip, birkaç dakika kıyma suyunu bırakıp, tekrar çekinceye kadar sık sık karıştırarak kavurun.

Konkase domates, tuz ve biberi ilave edin. Kaynar halde et suyunu ya da su koyup, bir taşım kaynatın. Ateşi kısın. Ağır ateşte harç suyunu çekinceye kadar pişirin. Tepsideki patlıcanların üzerine hazırlamış olduğunuz kıymalı harcı koyun. Üzerine kalan kızarmış patlıcanlar ile halka doğranmış domates ve biberi yerleştirin. Tepsiyi, önceden ısıtılmış fırına sürüp, musakkayı 25-30 dakika pişirin. Patlıcan musakkasını önceden ısıtılmış bir servis tabağına aktarıp, sıcak olarak servis yapın.
Afiyet olsun.
Remarks about the translation
<edit> "Kağıt" with "Kâğıt" </edit>
thanks to rollingmaster's notification

Moussaka Turkey

Translated by Mesud2991
Target language: English

Turkish Moussaka


Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Peel eggplants and cut them into 2cm slices. Sprinkle salt on it and let this draw out the moisture for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash it with cold water and dry it. Heat olive oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, fry the eggplants until golden blonde by turning them regularly. Take them from the pan and put them on tissue paper to drain off the oil. Put the half of the eggplants on the baking tray on which you will make the moussaka. Melt margarine in a saucepan. When it is hot, saute onions for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add minced meat and leave for a few minutes, bake with continuous stirring until the water is absorbed.

Add crushed tomato, salt and pepper. Add stock or hot water and heat until it boils. Reduce the heat. Cook at lower heat until the water has been absorbed. Put the mince meat mix that you have prepared on top of the eggplants on the tray. Put the tray in the preheated oven and cook the moussaka about 25-30 minutes. Transfer the eggplant moussaka to a preheated plate and serve it hot.

Have a nice meal.
Validated by Lein - 25 Tháng 8 2011 16:37

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22 Tháng 8 2011 21:04

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Hi rollingmaster

Nice recipe

I have made some edits and have a few questions / comments:

- Shouldn't the title of the recipe be 'Turkish moussaka'?

- Peel eggplants and cut it -> is this about one eggplant (not eggplants) or more (cut them)?

- Are we meant to cut the eggplant in 2 cm thick slices? The diameter translation doesn't quite work here.

- Put the half of the eggplants.... -> what happens to the other half?

- a couple of minutes in English refers to 2 minutes. Is that what you want or do you mean 'a few'?

- after the minced meat drains in a few minutes -> do you mean: leave this in the pan for a few minutes?

- often roast by stirring: what is this?

- Put meat water or water that has boiled: what does this mean?

Here is your original text:


First preheat your oven to 175 degrees. Peel eggplants and cut it into circle shape two centimeters in diameter. Sprinkle salt on it and wait for brackish water to emerge about 20-30 minutes. Then wash it with cold water and dry it. Fry olive oil in a pan. When the oil heats, fry until golden blonde by turning eggplants upside down. Take it from the pan by filtering the spare oil of it. Put it on a tissue paper. Put the half of the eggplants to the baking tray which you will cook the moussaka. Melt margarine in a saucepan. When the oil heats, saute a couple of minutes by stirring onions occasionally. Add minced meat and after the minced meat drains in a few minutes, often roast by stirring until it has boiled again.

Add crushed tomato, salt and pepper. Put meat water or water that has boiled and heat until it boils. Reduce the temperature. Cook at the lower temperature until the mixing water boils. Put the mince meat mix that you have prepared over the eggplants on the tray. Put the tray in the oven preheated and cook the moussaka about 25-30 minutes. Transfer the eggplants moussaka to a platter preheated and serve it hot.

Have a nice meal.

23 Tháng 8 2011 05:23

Tổng số bài gửi: 1331
Hi Lein,

- Turkish moussaka

- Peel eggplants and cut them.

- Of course you know better than I.

- I'm sorry. I don't know what happens to the other half. I think It wasn't written or I couldn't understand. Actually, I don't understand about cooking. I wouldn't translate it but it was waiting for a long time.

- 'a few'

- Yes, it is

- Roast by stirring continually.

- Add boiling meat water or water.

I hope this has helped you.

23 Tháng 8 2011 11:32

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Thanks! That helps. I have edited and set a poll.