Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - Spanish-English - story 3

Current statusDịch
This text is available in the following languages: SpanishEnglishGerman

Nhóm chuyên mục Literature - Arts / Creation / Imagination

story 3
Submitted by Lila F.
Source language: Spanish

En una casa siempre queda por hacer. Incluso en un piso pequeño. La voz del marido aturde, dentro y fuera de su habitáculo. Los vecinos ya lo conocen, sólo que él tiene un escaso contacto con el resto de vecindario. Actualmente Anna y el resto de cosas que pospone en su horizonte se resumen en una cama que hace a primera hora, en una lavadora de ropa que recoge del suelo, y que más tarde tiende pieza por pieza en un balcón pequeño que da a un patio de luces. Mientras ordena la casa, ventila habitaciones y comedor, barre el suelo y lo friega de rodillas, que es como se llega a todos los rincones. Más tarde toma nota de todo aquello que falta, hace una compra pequeña, siempre consciente de hasta donde puede gastar. Y antes que el suelo se haya secado prepara el almuerzo, enciende la televisión mientras pliega y plancha la ropa, y de golpe y porrazo ya tiene el marido esperando. El hombre espera cualquier cosa con cara y ojos, que no significa que espere a Anna. Ella se sienta al lado de su marido y en dicho comedor sus miradas se aproximan por inercia al televisor. La televisión a diferencia de la casa da recoldo. Incluso los hijos de los vecinos que lanzan pelotas al patio mientras gritan y ríen. Ellos ya no tienen hijos, aunque lo intentaron en el pasado. Ellos ya subieron uno. Ahora el hijo se ha ido, y pronto formará una familia nueva, parecida a la única imagen que ha visto.
Remarks about the translation
part 3 of 6. This text is a short story. Please respect the literary style

Story 3

Translated by Wendy Werneth
Target language: English

There is always housework to be done, even in a small apartment. The husband's voice is irritating, both inside and outside his living quarters. The neighbors know his voice by now, even though he doesn't have much contact with them. Right now, Anna and the rest of the things that have been put off until later boil down to a bed that she makes first thing in the morning, a washing machine full of clothes that she picks up off the floor, and that later she will hang one by one on a small balcony that looks out over a light-filled patio. In the meantime she tidies up the house, airs out the bedrooms and dining room, sweeps the floor and goes down on her hands and knees to scrub it, because that's how you reach all the corners. Later she makes a note of what they need and does a bit of shopping, always aware of just how much she can spend. And before the floor has dried she makes lunch, turns on the T.V. while she folds and iron the clothes, and all of a sudden the husband is already there. His eyes and face make it clear that he's waiting for something, which doesn't mean that he's waiting for Anna. She sits down next to her husband in the dining room, where their eyes are drawn to the T.V. out of habit. Unlike the house, the T.V. is comforting. So are the neighbors' kids who laugh and shout as they throw stones on the patio. They don't have any children anymore, although they tried it in the past. They brought up one. Now he's gone, and soon he will start a new family of his own, following the model of this one, the only family he's ever known.
Remarks about the translation
"recoldo" was not in any of the dictionaries I checked, so I guessed at its meaning.
Validated by lilian canale - 12 Tháng 1 2013 13:32