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Dịch - Romanian-English - Potrivit informaÅ£iilor disponibile, între...

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Potrivit informaţiilor disponibile, între...
Submitted by mathéo
Source language: Romanian

Potrivit informaţiilor disponibile, între societăţile interesate de IAR s-au arătat americanii de la Bell Helicopters si grupul european de aeronautică EADS împreună cu grupul franco-german Eurocopter, filiala a EADS.

According to the available information

Translated by iepurica
Target language: English

According to the available information, among the societies who have an interest in IAR were the Americans from Bell Helicopters and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS together with the Franco-German group Eurocopter, branch of EADS.
Remarks about the translation
IAR is a Romanian company.
Validated by irini - 4 Tháng 12 2006 17:02