Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Dutch - I found a coin on the street! Can you imagine! We were talking...

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I found a coin on the street! Can you imagine! We were talking...
Submitted by Ruberg
Source language: English Translated by Roller-Coaster

I found a coin on the street. Can you imagine! We were talking about the business : The power of money is enormous. There isn't anything funny about that. Cees says hello.

Kan je het voorstellen, ik vond een (geld)stuk op straat

Translated by jackdp
Target language: Dutch

Kan je het voorstellen, ik vond een (geld)stuk op straat! We waren over de zaak aan het praten: De kracht van geld is enorm. Er helemaal niets grappig aan. Cees zegt hallo
Validated by Chantal - 25 Tháng 5 2007 07:03