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Dịch - English-Romanian - Behavior, Stress Affect Alzheimer's Disease Risk

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Nhóm chuyên mục Free writing - Health / Medecine

Behavior, Stress Affect Alzheimer's Disease Risk
Submitted by adinapicus
Source language: English

In some of the more than 500 Alzheimer's-related presentations at SfN, researchers shed new light on how diet, exercise, red wine consumption, and stress may lower or raise disease risk.

Comportament, riscul bolii Alzheimer

Translated by iepurica
Target language: Romanian

În unele din cele peste 500 de prezentări în legătură cu Alzheimer la SfN, cercetătorii au arătat cum dieta, exerciţiul, consumul de vin roşu şi stresul pot micşora sau spori riscul de boală.
Validated by iepurica - 3 Tháng 4 2007 09:39