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10Translation - English-Persian language - We-need-experts!

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishArabicHungarianCroatianSpanishRomanianTurkishGreekBulgarianPortuguese brazilianSwedishJapaneseDutchFinnishEsperantoCatalanDanishItalianGermanChinese simplifiedChineseSlovakბრეტონული ენაKoreanCzechPortugueseLithuanianPolishNorwegianუკრაინულიSerbianRussianბოსნური ენაFaroeseEstonianლატვური ენაHebrewAlbanianFrenchKlingonPersian languageინდონეზიურიბრეტონულიIcelandicქართული ენაKurdishფრიზული HindiAfrikaansIrishმაკედონური ენაThaiაზერბაიჯანული ენაSlovenianVietnamese

Submitted by cucumis
Source language: English

We need experts!
Remarks about the translation
Try to keep it short, it's a title that will be also used in a menu. Free translation. The page will be about the languages where there are not enough experts.

ما به متخصص نیاز داریم!
Persian language

Translated by slfauver
Target language: Persian language

ما به متخصص نیاز داریم!
Validated by salimworld - 29 August 2011 18:52