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50Source language50
German Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch.
Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch.
WICHTIG: Bitte ersetzen Sie "Deutsch" durch die Sprache, in die Sie übersetzen.
<Remark from the admins> Please change the word "Deutsch" into the name of the language you are translating into.

Completed translations
English Sorry, I don't speak English.
French Désolé(e), je ne parle pas français.
Spanish Perdóname, yo no hablo español.
Catalan Em sap greu, no parlo català.
Italian Scusami, io non parlo italiano.
Arabic آسف ، أنا لا أتكلّم عربي.
Portuguese Desculpe-me, eu não falo português.
Portuguese brazilian Desculpe-me, eu não falo português.
Dutch Sorry, ik spreek geen Nederlands
Latin Mihi molestum est Latinum sermonem non cognoscere.
Greek Συγνώμη, δε μιλώ Ελληνικά
Turkish Özür dilerim
Romanian Îmi pare rău, dar nu vorbesc româneşte
Hebrew סליחה, אינני מדבר עברית.
Japanese ごめんなさい、日本語は話しません。
Chinese 對不起,我不會蕐語
Serbian Zao mi je, ne govorim srpski
Danish Undskyld, jeg kan ikke tale dansk.
Lithuanian Atsiprašau, aš nekalbu lietuviškai.
Russian Извините, я не говорю по-русски.
Esperanto Mi bedaÅ­ras, mi ne parolas Esperanton.
Faroese Orsaka, eg tosi ikki føroyskt.
Bulgarian Съжалявам, не говоря български.
Finnish Anteeksi, minä en puhu suomea.
Chinese simplified 对不起,我不会说普通话
Czech Promiňte, nemluvím česky.
Hungarian Sajnos, nem beszélek magyarul.
Croatian Žao mi je, ne govorim hrvatski.
Swedish Ursäkta, jag talar inte svenska.
Polish Niestety, nie mówię po polsku.
Albanian Më vjen keq, nuk flas shqip.
Norwegian Unnskyld, jeg snakker ikke norsk.
Slovak Prepáčte, nehovorím po slovensky.
Korean 미안합니다, 저는 한국어를 할 줄 모릅니다.
Estonian Vabandage, ma ei räägi eesti keelt.
Klingon vIjatlhlaHbe'
Icelandic Því miður, ég tala ekki íslensku.
Afrikaans Jammer, ek praat nie Afrikaans nie.
Irish Gabh mo leithscéal, ní labhraím Gaeilge.
Hindi क्षमा कीजिए। मैं जर्मन भाषा नहीं बोलता।
Thai ขอโทษ ผมพูดไทยไม่ได้
Source language
Spanish Aprovecha el tiempo y vive el ...
Aprovecha el tiempo y vive el momento porque cada minuto que pasa, no vuelve.

Completed translations
Hebrew נצל את הזמן וחייה את הרגע...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian Deus é meu refúgio e fortaleza
Deus é meu refúgio e fortaleza

Completed translations
French Dieu est mon refuge et ma forteresse.
Hebrew אלוהים הוא מקלטי ומבצרי.
Source language
Hi! I'm a spanish boy and I'm 19. I've just discovered this site and I'm so glad because of it, it's great to be able to solve what I'm looking for that way, so easy!.
The statement I've written is a part of one of my poems, and with it I could explain my essence, my whole poetry, EVERYTHING!; it's my slogan, so some time ago I decided to tattoo it in me, but in a non-latin-language.
I discovered the thai and hindi language; and I liked them so much because of these pretty characters, but I wasn't able to translate my statement neither to met someone who could write in thai or hindi.
The meaning of this statement could be confusing, could have more than one meaning, but they're the same in their essence.
I've written it in English because I consider that that way will be easier for you, "AND AFTER ME, NOTHING" means in Spanish "Y DESPUÉS DE MÍ, NADA"
"AND" wants to mean "the end of a series", and I think that this expression wouldn't mean the same for me without this "AND".
"AFTER ME, NOTHING": in "AFTER" I want to express the meaning of this word, something that happen after another thing. After "ME" there's a stop, a comma,and after this comma the word "nothing". This statement means for me that my "MYSELF" is the most important thing and that after death nothing will happen, nothing will wait for us (only an opinion, haha).
The statement could be bigger, although it wouldn't be the same, but would be ok, what I'm talking about is that MY statement is a contraction of THIS statement:
Thank you so much, I hope I've spoken well.
A greeting and thank you for making me happy!

Completed translations
Hindi और मेरे बाद, कुछ भी नही
Source language
English Welcome to India!
Welcome to India!
Could I please have it in Hindi writing as well as, if possible, a transcription?

Completed translations
Hindi भारत में आपका स्वागत है !
Source language
English Meaning only
Meaning only
Used for the kind of translation request you want to submit. Meaning only means that you only want the meaning of the text and not a beautiful translation.

Completed translations
Portuguese Somente o significado
Russian Общий смысл
Spanish sólo el significado
Chinese simplified 粗略翻译
German Nur Bedeutung
Polish Tylko znaczenie
Dutch alleen betekenis
Romanian Cuvânt cu cuvânt
Turkish Yalnizca anlami
Swedish Endast innebörden/betydelsen
Italian Solo significato
Greek Μόνο νόημα
Danish Kun betydning
Catalan Només el significat
Serbian Samo značenje
Bulgarian Само по смисъл
Portuguese brazilian Somente o significado
Ukrainiski Лише зміст
Hebrew משמעות בלבד
Arabic المعنى فقط
Finnish Vain merkitys
Esperanto Signifo nur
Croatian Samo značenje
Hungarian Csak a jelentés
Chinese 只需意譯
Japanese 意味だけ
Maķedoniski Само значењето
Nepali शब्दार्थ मात्र
Albanian Vetëm kuptimi
Czech Jenom význam
Bosnijas samo znacenje
Norwegian Kun lydelsen
Estonian tähendus
Slovak Len zmysel
Korean 의미만 번역하기
Lithuanian vertimas
Latin verbum e verbo
Faroese Merking bara
Klingon chaq pIm mu'mey, 'ach rap QIn
Persian language فقط معنی
Latviski Tikai nozīme
Icelandic Meining eingöngu
Indonēziešu Untuk dimintai pendapat
Irish Brí amháin
Hindi केवल मतलब
Gruzīniski მხოლოდ მთავარი აზრი
Thai ความหมายเท่านั้น
Vietnamese Chỉ dịch nghĩa
Source language
English Attached to this e-mail you can find some photos...
Attached to this e-mail you can find some photos of her.
Please translate this into formal Russian.

Completed translations
Russian translation
10Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.10
Turkish seni õpmek istiyorum
seni õpmek istiyorum

If you do not have the proper diacritics when typing a text, please submit it in "meaning only " ("somente o significado"). thank you.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu quero beijar você.
English I want to kiss you.
Romanian Vreau să te sărut.
Hungarian Meg akarlak csókolni
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