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Source language
Lithuanian Rusų kalba
Mano Šuns vardardas Floidas. Jis yra bokserių veislės, rudos spalvos, tik nosytė ir letenos baltos. Mūsų manuose jis jau gyvena 8 metus.
Šuniuką dar visai visai mažą parsivežėme iš Kauno, tėtis su mama žinojo, jog aš labai myliu šuniukus, todėl man jį padovanojo.
Kai būna gražus ora dažnai su Floidu einame pasivaikščioti prie upės arba į parką. Jis yra gerai išdresiruotas, moka pasisveikinti, atsisėsti, atsigulti ir atsistoti ant galinių kojų.
Esu laiminga, kad turiu geriausiÄ… draugÄ….

Completed translations
Russian Русский язык
Source language
French L'an à la Nativité nostre Seigneur mil cinq cens...
L'an à la Nativité nostre Seigneur mil cinq cens soixante six [Le dict an] et le dernier jour du moys de Juing, saichent tous présentz et advenir qui ces présentes verront que, par devant et en la présence de moy Joseph Roche notaire royal et tabellion juré de la présente ville de Sallon diocèze d'Arles soubzigné et des tesmoings cy après nomméz, feust présent en sa personne monsieur maistre Michel Nostradamus docteur en médecine astrophille conselhier et médecin ordinaire du roy,
Первая часть недавно найденного полного текста приписки к завещанию Мишеля Нострадамуса на среднефранцузском языке. А само завещание я более-менее перевёл.

Admin's note : This text is in old French (from the XVIth century)

Completed translations
Russian В лето Господне тысяча пятьсот...
Source language
French Avant, elle avait chopé la dengue, en a réchappé....
Avant, elle avait chopé la dengue, en a réchappé. Après, elle s'est prostituée sur la route de Ouaga pour se faire trois sous : elle n'a rien attrapé, même pas une blénno.
Ouaga : Ouagadougou (capitale du Burkina-Faso)

Completed translations
Spanish Anteriormente, ella se había ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian Freqüento as reuniões cristãs em um Salão do...
Freqüento as reuniões cristãs em um Salão do Reino próximo à minha residência.
Prego as boas novas acerca do Reino de Deus e de seu filho Jesus Cristo regularmente.
Tenho vontade de visitar uma congregação de língua estrangeira próximo ao Grande ABC, em São Paulo.
Gostaria de usar algumas dessas frases num perfil de um site de aprendizado de idiomas.

Completed translations
French l'église
English Good news
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English green-grey eyes,single. i like older womem very...
green-grey eyes,single.
i like older womem very much.
it would be nice to have an online-friendship with you.
i have photos here in my profile.
greetings from germany.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Olhos verdes-cinzentos, solteiras.
Source language
Thai ผมไม่คิดว่าติ๊กจะกล้ามาอำกันแรงแบบนี้...
นี่ก็กำลังจะครบ 5 ปีตั้งแต่ที่เธอพูดว่าผมทำลายชีวิตของเธอ
แต่กาลเวลาที่ผ่านมาคงพิสูจน์เรื่องราวต่างๆ ได้ดี

Completed translations
English I didn't think that Tik would be able to make up all this misunderstanding...
Turkish Tik'in tüm bu yanlış anlamaları yapabileceğini düşünmedim.
Persian language الان حدود 5 سال از زمانی که او گفت من زندگیش را ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Dutch zoals beloofd een beetje nieuws uit het koude...
zoals beloofd een beetje nieuws uit het koude belgie.
hier is alles oke en we tellen al af naar volgend jaar om u weer te zien.
wij hebben reeds geboekt voor 9 juni en ook voor 15 september.
hopelijk blijf je in rixos bodrum en zien we je weer
prettige feestdagen en tot ziens

Completed translations
Turkish Soz verdigim gibi
Source language
Greek Ότι με θρέφει σε καταστρέφει.
Ότι με θρέφει σε καταστρέφει.
θα ηθελα μεταφραση της παραπανω προτασης αν καποιος μπορει να βοηθησει . Νομιζω ειναι σωστοτερο ως προς τη σημασια το 'θρεφει' απο το 'τρεφει' .

Ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων !

Completed translations
Latin Alma mater
32Source language32
English I'm ripping my heart out of this place of sin
I'm ripping my heart out of this place of sin.
Please translate this for me.
Im fairly good at spanish but for my latest poetry in spanish i can't seem to get this sentence quite right.. I know its dark but please help me out.

Completed translations
Spanish Estoy arrancando mi corazón de este lugar de pecado.
Latin Cor meum ex eo loco peccandi abduco
10Source language10
Italian mantenersi puro, l'unica cosa importante è...
mantenersi puro, l'unica cosa importante è mentenersi puro
Mantenersi puro è inteso nel senso di icontaminato, restare fedeli verso se stessi e non in senso religioso.

Completed translations
English Keep oneself pure
Greek Παράμεινε αγνός, το πιο σημαντικό είναι να παραμείνεις αγνός.
Latin puritatem suam servare
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Dutch Geachte mevrouw, Wij hebben van de...
Geachte mevrouw,
Wij hebben van de Belastingdienst bericht ontvagen dat u een openstaande schuld heeft van 1.874,00. Dit betreft nog te betalen inkomstenbelasting en/of premie volksverzekeringen over de periode van...
De Sociale verzekeringsbank beslist of u schuldig nalatig bent premie volksverzekerig AOW te betalen.

Completed translations
Polish Wiadomość o zaległościach względem Urzędu Podatkowego
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Dutch Odertekening ondergetekende aangever verklaart...
ondergetekende aangever verklaart hierbij het voertuig zoals op dit blad is omschreven voorgoed buiten Nederland te zullen brengen.

Completed translations
Polish Podpis, podpisujący wykonawca oświadcza...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish Git beni düşünme Git kalbimi de götür Zaten sende...
Git beni düşünme
Git kalbimi de götür
Zaten sende kalsın çok yormuşsun çok üzmüşsün
Git güvenimi götür inancımı öldür
Olmaz bu bize yapılmaz
Kalbim uslu durmaz bir çılgınlık yapar
Olmaz bu bize yakışmaz
Korkarım aşkımın şiddetinden
Duy sessiz çığlığım bu
Nadir bulunur su
Düşün NE DERİN mevsimlere renk katmışız
Biz artık biz yok mu
Dur ölümü gör otur
Öyküme ömrünü kat ihtiyaç budur

Completed translations
English Go, don’t think of me. Go, take my heart away. In any case...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish dinlenmeye çok ihtiyacım var kafamıda bir türlü...
dinlenmeye çok ihtiyacım var yalnız kalmaya çok ihtiyacım var kafamıda bir türlü toparlayamıyorum çok yorgunum sessizlik istiyorum okadar iş var ki

Completed translations
Italian ho tanto bisogno di riposarmi ...
Source language
Albanian fytyra
sa fytyra qe kane njerzit???bho te vjen nga ai qe sta pret mendja

Completed translations
Italian faccie
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian Ik pirdhu shko te shpia loz me kuklla ...
Ik pirdhu shko te shpia loz me kuklla u kenaqa shume mu bo qe fi qe te njofth bofsh sa me shume qef
E' la dedica fatta da un'amica nn so nulla di albanese perciò potrebbe aver scritto qualunque cosa......Vi prego di aiutarmi...

Completed translations
Italian vai a ca***e vai a giocare con le bambole
Source language
Albanian hei ckemi lal si ja ke kalu ti cben ndonje gje te...
hei ckemi lal si ja ke kalu ti cben ndonje gje te bukur ?
ei o lal po ke humb fare me lal cben ndonje gje si ja kalon me babain ?
ei me dergo ndonjeher ndonje imel me lal se tel po e mban vetem fik ti i kam ren numrit tende po me del i mbyllur
kaq shpejt me harrove ti mua eeee kujtohu ndonjeher me lal se un ste harroj asnjeher ty ta dishe kete gje
dhe ta kam then qe mali me malin nuk takohen po njerzit gjithmun takohen....
naten lal kalofshe bukur te pucccccccccc

Completed translations
Italian hei come va come te la stai passando cosa fai di
Source language
Albanian me pas bashkeshorti im filloi te çfaqte shenja te...
thyerje te sendeve te ndryshme,gje qe shpeshhere me krijonte gjendje frike. me pas u vura ne dijni te faktit qe ai disavite me pare kishte kaluar nje gjendje depresive per te cilen edhe kuruar.perveç kesaj ai po kalonte dhe nje moment te veshtire financiar per shkak te nje kredie madhe te cilen nuk po arrinte perballonte.kjo gje ndikonte qe momentet e krizave nervore te tij ishin te shpeshta. megjithe perpjekjet e mia per te normalizuar marredheniet tona dhe per te shpetuar martesen, nuk ja kam arritur qellimit.

Completed translations
Italian più tardi il mio compagno iniziava a mostrare segni...
Source language
Turkish yarın vize çıkarsa mail olarak gönderebilir...
yarın vize çıkarsa mail olarak gönderebilir misiniz

Completed translations
English the visa
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