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Source language
Turkish Sen Benim için Burdasın, ama benim yanımda...
Sen Benim için Burdasın, ama benim yanımda değilsin!

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Você está aqui por mim, mas não está do meu lado!
Source language
Bulgarian От миналия месец той живее в Кьолн.
От миналия месец той живее в Кьолн.

Completed translations
German Seit letztem Monat wohnt er in Köln.
Source language
English Your friend plays in goal for a lower league...
Your friend plays in goal for a lower league club. He asks you to put a large amount of his money on them to lose so he can play off his spiraling debts of 194,126.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Seu amigo joga no gol...
Source language
Italian Io ti quello di vederti di nuovo per semprevorrei...
Io ti vorrei dire tante altre cose ma il mio vero desiderio è quello di vederti di nuovo.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu gostaria de dizer ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian durata complessiva di tutti i viaggi singoli-...
durata complessiva di tutti i viaggi singoli - veda anche pagina precedente memoria di percoso complessivo. in ambedue le posizioni del commutatore l'indicazione massima è di 99 ore e 59 minuti. Raggiunte le 100 ore l'indicazione ricomincia da zero.

Completed translations
English Total duration of all individual journeys
Bosnijas prevod
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Bulgarian Кипящо от сила и енергия същество,не...
Кипящо от сила и енергия същество,не стихвай!Радвам се,че те познавам
американски диалект

Completed translations
English Brimming with strength
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Russian sojaleu
ne skinu. Ti prekrasno slishal. Tak kak ti ne otvetil, ya ne zapravlu, sojaleu:)
us or british engelska

Completed translations
English I'm sorry
Source language
Thai ผมไม่คิดว่าติ๊กจะกล้ามาอำกันแรงแบบนี้...
นี่ก็กำลังจะครบ 5 ปีตั้งแต่ที่เธอพูดว่าผมทำลายชีวิตของเธอ
แต่กาลเวลาที่ผ่านมาคงพิสูจน์เรื่องราวต่างๆ ได้ดี

Completed translations
English I didn't think that Tik would be able to make up all this misunderstanding...
Turkish Tik'in tüm bu yanlış anlamaları yapabileceğini düşünmedim.
Persian language الان حدود 5 سال از زمانی که او گفت من زندگیش را ...
Source language
Russian Здравствуйте, уважаемый посетитель нашего сайта
Здравствуйте, уважаемый посетитель нашего сайта

Completed translations
Lithuanian Pasveikinimas
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Punjabi main tare nal pyar karda ha
main tare nal pyar karda ha

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Estou apaixonada por você.
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish me gusto mucho conocerte.besitos.a pleno!
me gusto mucho conocerte.besitos.a pleno!

Completed translations
Lithuanian Man labai malonu, kad aš tave pažįstu. Bučinukai. Viskas!
Source language
English To enable
To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

Completed translations
Lithuanian Suaktyvinti
Source language
English Say, how to Talk to Girls?
Say, how to Talk to Girls?
It is a title of a book

Completed translations
Bulgarian Как аджеба да говорим с момичетата?
French Dites, Comment parler aux filles?
Polish Powiedz, jak rozmawiać z ...
Swedish Säg, hur pratar man med tjejer?
Spanish ¿Cómo hablar con las chicas?
Dutch Vertel, hoe praat je met meiden?
Portuguese brazilian Diga, como falar com as garotas?
Chinese simplified 如何与女孩交谈
Turkish Söyle, kızlarla nasıl konuşulur?
Norwegian Si, Hvordan snakke til jenter
German Sag´...
Icelandic Mæla, hvernig á að tala við stelpur?
Russian Скажи, как разговаривать с девочками?
Czech Řekni, jak Mluvit k dívkám?
Chinese 如何與女孩交談
Romanian Spune! Cum se vorbeÅŸte cu fetele?
Finnish Sanopa..
Greek Πως, δηλαδή, να μιλάμε με τα κορίτσια;
Tagalogu Sabihin, paano Kausapin ang Mga Babae?
Portuguese Diz, como é que se fala com as raparigas?
Thai เช่นว่า จะพูดกับสาวๆ อย่างไร
Arabic أخبرني كيف أتحدث مع البنات؟
Lithuanian Pasakyk, kaip kalbÄ—tis su merginomis?
Ukrainiski Кажи, як розмовляти з дівчатами?
Croatian Reci, kako rozgovarati ...
Maķedoniski Кажи, како да се зборува со девојки?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish Błąd przy dostępie do pliku.
Błąd przy dostępie do pliku.
Computer message.

Completed translations
Russian Ошибка доступа к файлу.
Lithuanian klaida prie failo prieigos
Source language
Spanish Quiero decirte que nunca encontraré suficientes...
Quiero decirte que nunca encontraré suficientes palabras para demostrarte todo lo que te amo y te respeto y sobretodo te agradezco por toda la atención que has tenido para mí Te juro que nunca dejaré de amarte a través del tiempo y distancia. Amo todo de ti... cuando hablas y caminas y todo lo que hacemos tú y yo juntos.
diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
German Ich möchte dir sagen...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese queria por favor um cafe
queria por favor um cafe

Completed translations
German Ein Kaffee
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian Quando você vem para a Alemanha? Estou com...
Quando você vem para a Alemanha? Estou com saudades de você
Quando você vem para a Alemanha? Estou com saudades de você

Completed translations
German Wann kommst du nach Deutschland? Ich habe Sehnsucht nach Dir!
Source language
French Cher assistant! Je vous informe que je n'ai...
Cher assistant!

Je vous informe que je n'ai pas de problème avec le logiciel et le disque dur, mais c'est le PC (ORDINATEUR)lui-même qui est mauvais (verrouillé).J'ai essayé avec quelque numéros mais rien. Et le mode (guide) d'emploi préçise ça: Funktionen.

Je vous remercie de votre soutien et assistance.


Completed translations
German PC Probleme
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