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Source language
English Tantine Donation
Tantine, expert and moderator of the free translation community (, has been fighting against cancer for years. She has a tight budget for medical treatments, so she opens the donation link (, and everyone who has a Visa or MasterCard credit card may help her, in whatever amount from cents to euros/dollars.
If you do not have a credit card, you may also contact her directly to see what you can help.

Happy New Year 2015!

Tantine's Blog:

Tantine's Facebook:
Please disseminate this information to your world.

Completed translations
Spanish Donación para Tantine
Portuguese brazilian Tantine Doação
Thai บริจากให้แก่แทนทีน
German Tantine Spende
Turkish Uzmanımız Tantine
Swedish Tantine - donation
Polish Darowizna dla Tantine
Norwegian Innsamling for Tantine
Portuguese Doação Tantine
Greek βοηθείστε την Tantine
Danish Tantine Donation
Russian Пожертвование для Тантайн
Romanian Donații pentru Tantine
Dutch donatie voor Tantine
Requested translations
Malajiski Malajiski
Vietnamese Vietnamese
Source language
Bulgarian Никога не се предавам
Никога не се предавам

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Serbian Govor direktora gostima iz Libana
Poštovanje i dobar dan,
zadovoljstvo nam je što Vas možemo pozdraviti u našoj kompaniji.
Nadamo se da će Vam boravak biti prijatan i da ćemo posle ovih sastanaka i razmene iskustava unaprediti našu već dobru poslovno tehničku saradnju.

Za sva Vaša pitanja stojimo Vam na raspoloaganju.

Ostatak poslovne komunikacije realizovaćemo na engleskom jezik
Potreban mi je prevod na libanskom dijalektu (ako ne, moze i standardan), ali da ne bude pisan arapskim pismom, vec na transkripcija na latinici (ili cirilici)

Requested translations
Arabic Arabic
Source language
English It´s been such a long time! We live far away, but...
It´s been such a long time!
This year, we went to the Brazilian kinkakuji. The temple was beautiful, and there was a lake full of fish, and a vast area of green.
In July, I changed jobs and I am now working as a medical manager in a pharmaceutical company.
It is very busy, but I have been learning a lot of new different things!
We live far away, but it would be great if all the family could be united.

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
Polish "Psalm dla opuszczajÄ…cego Niebo"
Jakim psalmem podziękuję
tej Miłości
co opuszcza Niebo
by być ze mną
w mym więzieniu
i cielesność mą wspierać...

co pozwala się kusić smutnemu
na pustyni
bym oparła się kuszeniu...

co modli siÄ™ i czuwa
w ogrodzie
przy moim marzeniu...

Jakim psalmem podziękuję
tej Miłości
na drzewie
co za mnie umiera...
British English, please.

Requested translations
French French
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Devolvei-me a Paz e a Tranqüilidade
Devolvei-me a Paz e a Tranqüilidade

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian Seja verdadeiro
Seja verdadeiro

Requested translations
Persian language Persian language
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Serbian dan kada smo se sreli
dan kada smo se sreli

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
English Music Matters
Music Matters

Requested translations
Yiddish Yiddish
Source language
Portuguese brazilian A felicidade não é só seu direito, é seu dever ser feliz.
A felicidade não é só seu direito, é seu dever ser feliz.

Requested translations
Greek Greek
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Serbian ti si lepa devojka
ti si lepa devojka
engleski (americki)

Requested translations
Ukrainiski Ukrainiski
Source language
Turkish Ne kadar çok severse o kadar ...
Ne kadar çok severse o kadar uzaklaşıyor insan. Eskiye, ilk günlerimize dönmek istiyorum. İlk günlerdeki gibi, seni tekrar baştan yaşamak (istiyorum).

Requested translations
Bosnijas Bosnijas
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Faça o que tiver que fazer
Faça o que tiver que fazer
Preciso desta frase para um lema, e procuro dizer que uma pessoa deve fazer o que for necessário, sempre, sem muito apego moral

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Portuguese Deus é cheio de graça
Deus é cheio de graça

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Korean 설레어요, 그대를 생각하면 여전히
설레어요, 그대를 생각하면 여전히
의미가 전달될수 있게 부탁드립니다

Requested translations
Italian Italian
Source language
Spanish confío en el proceso y agradezco el resultado
confío en el proceso y agradezco el resultado
estoy agradecido en todo lo que pasa y tengo confianza en que lo que pasa es por algo. :)

Requested translations
Hindi Hindi
Source language
Polish biore sie w końcu w garść i musze zapomnieć o...
co się stało ?

nie gniewaj się ale nie przyjmę zaproszenia, chyba wole nie wiedzieć co się u ciebie juz teraz dzieje. Widzę że wszystko się układa wiec nie będę się juz zastanawiać... a na pewno będę chodzić struta bo już tak jest ! biore sie w końcu w garść i musze zapomnieć o przeszłość i przestać nią żyć bo mi sie nogdy nie ułoży :P jak ci jest dobrze to dbaj o to ;)

i chyba mnie rozumiesz bo sam zrobiłeś to samo wyrzucając mnie kiedyś...
Frau schreibt an Mann

Requested translations
German German
Source language
Croatian ako ništa bar smo pod istim ...
ako ništa bar smo pod istim nebom...sad i zauvijek.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
French lève-toi et bats-toi
lève-toi et bats-toi

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
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