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194 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. dis a tout tes contacts dis a tout tes contacts de ne pas accepter xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx et xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx.ce sont des mecs qui veulent pirater ton ordinateur et si l'un de tes contacts accepte tu seras touché aussi. donc fait copier/coller et envoi le à tous tes contactes urgent Completed translations Listendeki herkese söyle | |
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262 Source language hard reset To perform a hard reset
1. Pull out the stylus. 2. With the device turned on, press and hold the VOLUME DOWN and ENTER buttons, then press the RESET button with the stylus tip. 3. Release the RESET button, but continue pressing the VOLUME DOWN and ENTER buttons until you see this message on the screen: Completed translations Elle resetleme | |
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20 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. kiggede lige forbi skatah kiggede lige forbi skatah "q" letters replaced with "g" letters in this text, which is Danish, not Turkish <edit></edit> (07/25/francky on gamine's notification) Completed translations Kikket rett forbi Skatah | |
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175 Source language Attemzione la cappa non è idonea per l’uso da parte di bambini o persone con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali, a meno che non siano stati specificatamente istruiti dalla persona responsabile per la loro sicurezza; La cappa è l'elettrodomestico che si trova sopra il piano cottura nelle cucine Completed translations Varning Advarsel | |
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