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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English If you judge a book by the cover Then you'd...
If you judge a book by the cover
Then you'd judge the look by the lover

Completed translations
Swedish Om du dömer en bok...
Source language
Latin aliquando et insanire iucundum est
aliquando et insanire iucundum est

Completed translations
Swedish Ibland är det skönt att få vara galen
Source language
Spanish Que te convenga aprovechadora!
Que te convenga aprovechadora!

Completed translations
Swedish Svenska
Source language
Turkish Seni gidi findik kiran Yilani deliginden cikaran...
Seni gidi findik kiran
Yilani deliginden cikaran
Kaderim puskullu belam
Yakalarsam (kiss kiss)!!!!

Completed translations
Bosnijas Onaj koji lomi lješnjak i izvlači zmiju iz gnijezda...
English Spoiled girl
Swedish Bortskämd flicka
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Persian language مرده شور
مرده شور

Completed translations
English I hope you die
Turkish Cehennem ol!
Arabic غاسِل الميّت
Source language
Faroese Endamálið er at lýsa religiónir í fortíð og nútíð
Endamálið er at lýsa religiónir í fortíð og nútíð

Completed translations
Esperanto La celo estas informi pri religio en la estinto kaj en la estanto
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Greek δεν -ξερα που μιλας ...
δεν -ξερα που μιλας ‎Ελληνικά!!!
Originally submitted in Latin characters ("den Hxera pou milas elinika!!!

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu não sabia que você falava grego!!! Beijinhos!
English I didn't know you speak Greek!!! Little kisses!
Source language
Russian Ольга, это прикольная вещь, давай заполняй тут...
Ольга, это прикольная вещь, давай заполняй тут все как надо, все красиво. Ты можешь общаться со многими людьми с наших кораблей и всегда будешь в курсе, что происходит, кто куда едет и т.д. и не обязательно с ними переписываться для этого. Ты будешь в курсе всего сразу!

Completed translations
English Olga, this is cool thing
Turkish Olga, bu mükemmel bir şey....
Source language
Spanish Descomprimir con winrar 2- Grabar la iso con...
Descomprimir con winrar
Grabar la iso con nero o cargar en una unidad virtual
Registrar usando uno de los keygen que teneis en la carpeta keygen Teneis dos Keygen uno para video PAL y otro para NTSC

Completed translations
Swedish Dekomprimera med WinRAR
Source language
English Hey! Thanks for the sweet Kisses, look forward...
Hey! Thanks for the sweet Kisses, look forward for somemore :)

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Oi! Obrigado pelos beijos carinhosos, espero...
Spanish ¡oye! gracias por los dulces besos,
Source language
Bosnijas jedina , srce si mi probudila
jedina , srce si mi probudila

Completed translations
English my only,you woke up my heart
Swedish Svenska
10Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.10
German Bis zum nöchsten mal Ich habe dich sehr sehr gem...
Bis zum nächsten mal
Ich habe dich sehr sehr gern und lieb, Tschüss
Ich habe dich sehr gerne mein Schatz, mein Liebling.

Completed translations
Turkish Bir daha ki sefere görüşmek üzere,senden çok çok hoşlanıyorum..
English see you next time...
Greek Θα σε δω την επόμενη φορά
Slovak Dovidenia nabudúce...
Source language
Spanish Disculpa que te haya agregado a mi lista de...
Disculpa que te haya agregado a mi lista de contactos, creo que tendremos un problema, yo no hablo turco, y creo que no hablas ingles. Me llamo Cynthia, queria una informacion sobre un cantante de tu país.

Completed translations
Turkish Ozur diliyorum seni listeme eklemis oldugumdan....
Source language
German Übernahme Ihrer Sendung bei Schenker Zürich -...
Übernahme Ihrer Sendung bei Schenker Zürich - Flughafen: 14.11.07 später Nachmittag, spätestens
15.11.07 vormittags.

Completed translations
Turkish Gönderinizin Zürich....
10Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.10
French Bénis par Dieu
Bénis par Dieu
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Blessed by God
Portuguese brazilian Benditos por Deus
Italian Benedetto da Dio
Spanish Bendito por Dios
Latin Benedictus a Deo
10Source language10
Romanian declaraţie
Te iubesc, drăcuşorule! Şi fără tine viaţa mea nu are nici un rost. Îţi mulţumesc că mă faci atât de fericită.
Obs: Text written by a WOMAN to a man. /Freya

Completed translations
Spanish Te amo diablito.....
English I love you
Hebrew הצהרה
Turkish Seni seviyorum
Albanian Të dua
Afrikaans Ek is lief vir jou, my duiweltjie.
French Je t'aime, petit démon!
Thai ฉันรักเธอ
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